Kickstarter project: cymbal switches

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Kickstarter project: cymbal switches

Postby stefan1982 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:32 am


I am not the one to come up front on this one, but it could be a good idea..

We are all struggling with our switches on our DIY cymbals. Or they are not reliable, or they do not last long enough.
Isn't it possible that somebody starts a kickstarter project to get some decent membrane film switches in the sizes that we want? Or am I missing something, which would make this an impossible task to achieve?

Hope to hear your thoughts on this, and hopefully - when this idea is good enough - someone would step forward and get the job done.
Unfortunately I am not the right man for the job, due to family, work and illness.
Last edited by stefan1982 on Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Kickstarter project for cymbal switches

Postby ignotus » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:03 am

Someone already did it: Bell and edge switches, very cheap, and in several sizes. A vdrums forum member designed them, made the investment and had them made in Hong Kong.
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Re: Kickstarter project for cymbal switches

Postby stefan1982 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:59 am

That is pretty awesome... But quite expensive too... Hmm...

Re: Kickstarter project for cymbal switches

Postby ignotus » Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:43 am

I seriously doubt you'd be able to find them cheaper, if at all. The minimum amount to get them manufactured to your specifications is in the order of several hundred (I know because I was talking to him when he was doing his research into it), so you're talking about a pretty big investment anyway if you wanted to do it with a kickstarter project. That guy took the risk and made the investment himself, and I don't think he's making that much of a profit with them. Also, $1 shipping cost worldwide is a pretty good deal.
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Re: Kickstarter project: cymbal switches

Postby stefan1982 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:16 pm

@Ignotus: Do you know which connector that is, which is being used?
I ordered a bunch of the cymbal switches in all sizes, which I would like to wire using some connectors and so on..

Re: Kickstarter project: cymbal switches

Postby ignotus » Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:24 pm

Hi, sorry, I don't know. It *looks* like header pins would fit in the tabs, but I can't be sure. You could contact the seller, I'm sure he'll be happy to help you out.
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Re: Kickstarter project: cymbal switches

Postby ignotus » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:47 pm


A bloke on the vdrums forum says that he used one of these switches underneath the edge of the cymbal (he used an acoustic one) and that it also worked well as an edge zone - i.e. hits on the edge caused the switch to close even though it was located underneath, just with the flex of the cymbal. This would really simplify the edge zone setup and would also extend the life of the switch, as it wouldn't be receiving direct hits. Maybe something you could try when you get them.
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