Instead of further development and providing support ..

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby jman 31 » Wed May 26, 2010 12:16 pm

I completely understand. It shouldn't have to come to that, but it seems that it may if you want to keep this guy from dealing them. I hope that you get it sorted out without going to extremes!
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby Trommeltotti » Wed May 26, 2010 12:31 pm

dmitri wrote:
Firelord wrote:There will always be leeches.

If this is the case I will probably have to think about encrypted firmware. As a result the MegaDrum project won't be free any more.

Hey @Dmitri

I can understand you completely. But Think about this:

There is no professional (commercial) trigger interface with enough inputs until now on the market! Of course you can sell one ROLAND TD-20 modul with good triggering results and if the inputs are not enough (happens to me) you can buy of course a second TD-20! To be priced: Around 4000 EURO! (in words: for thousand) just to use two modules as triggering interfaces because the internal sounds are from the past and completely horrible compare to modern VSTi sounds! This is not acceptable :!:

So I think it is very important that there out there some guys like you ;) So I hope this project will still alive without to need restriction it like to encrypt future firmware and so on. People would be thankful for you if you continue development and supporting furthermore this important project for E-Drummers.

Thanks with best regards

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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby rockdude » Wed May 26, 2010 1:02 pm

I really hope this guy will let go so MegaDrum will remain free. It would be such a shame otherwise.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby r0bbie » Wed May 26, 2010 5:49 pm

This SUKS!!!, I'm really sorry for you Dmitri.

Go start production for your self, it would'nt be to hard to find an
investor with such a great product!
Mass production of lets say 2000 units would make it possible for
you to sell at a price no-one can beat at DIY level.
And I think and you know there is a market, theres lots of people who
don't have the time and/or the abillity to DIY the Megadrum.

Go kill the bastard!!

Sorry if i'm totaly wrong, but thats just what I feel,
its your creative property, no-one , NO-ONE !, can use this commercially!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil:
If it ain't broken try to improve it.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby pfhor » Wed May 26, 2010 7:32 pm

What a goddamn cock.

The bicycle guy takes the cake, I wonder what advanced firmware his bicycle runs.

Hope you can get this sorted out without too much restrictions being put into place. It's a shame a few assholes have to make a mockery out of good intentions and a sharing spirit. But unfortunately there is always someone looking to profit off of other people's work. As blatant as this and with admins turning a blind eye is disgusting however.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby dmitri » Wed May 26, 2010 8:17 pm

pfhor wrote:As blatant as this and with admins turning a blind eye is disgusting however.

Not just turning a blind eye but actively refusing to remove the advertisement even after I pointed it out saying he is not "ethics police" and that he doesn't care. A fellow drummer.

P.S. The good news is that moderators on 4 other forums cooperated and removed adverts. I'm still to hear from a few others.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby rockdude » Thu May 27, 2010 6:14 am

dmitri wrote:
pfhor wrote:As blatant as this and with admins turning a blind eye is disgusting however.

Not just turning a blind eye but actively refusing to remove the advertisement even after I pointed it out saying he is not "ethics police" and that he doesn't care. A fellow drummer.

P.S. The good news is that moderators on 4 other forums cooperated and removed adverts. I'm still to hear from a few others.

Good news! This issue seems to be sorted pretty soon then if we're lucky. We should all keep an eye in other forums we visit and report to you if we find anything suspicious. I guess it's hard for you to keep track of everything all the time.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Fri May 28, 2010 5:56 am

There has to be quality middle ground but I don't know exactly what it is, myself.

On one hand if people are building MegaDrums and selling them with software preloaded without your consent, that sucks. Your hard work is their profit. On the other hand, any stiffer measures used to prevent this will harm the community around MegaDrum and make the MegaDrum project more work for you, Dmitri.

I noticed you don't bundle a text license with your firmware releases. Do you have an official license for the MegaDrum firmware and I'm just not seeing it?

What are the UK, European and US laws surrounding this anyways? I would think someone could build a device from your schematic and sell it without your consent legally as long if they don't bundle the software. Bundling your firmware would be subject to your software license which I suspect would say something about no 3rd party distribution, but I'm certainly no legal expert nor do I know how you are licensing your software. Does copyright law on schematics apply to the devices built to spec? I doubt there are patents involved in MegaDrum's hardware design considering it's non-commercial nature.

I hope you are successful in preventing people from distributing your firmware against your wishes.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby dmitri » Fri May 28, 2010 9:15 am

I stated on the website and on the forum that MegaDrum is free for non-commercial use only. That simple as this. Selling MegaDrum without or with firmware is the same, you cannot load and use it with any other firmware. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not going to write 100 pages of terms and conditions. If I see I cannot fight thieves I will go encrypted firmware/bootloader route.
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Re: Instead of further development and providing support ..

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Fri May 28, 2010 2:44 pm

dmitri wrote:I stated on the website and on the forum that MegaDrum is free for non-commercial use only. That simple as this. Selling MegaDrum without or with firmware is the same, you cannot load and use it with any other firmware. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not going to write 100 pages of terms and conditions. If I see I cannot fight thieves I will go encrypted firmware/bootloader route.

Does that mean that you'll remove the currently posted firmware versions from the forum/download page? How will making the next firmware version encrypted prevent people from selling the current MegaDrum hardware and firmware?
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