>>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sale !

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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Synthex » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:10 pm


Sorry, but All in One Kits will not be available this year.
I will not provide a complete kit, but only PCBs, if there is demand.

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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Bean » Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:14 pm

Synthex, will the All in One Kits return in 2011? I was planning on getting a kit in the first quarter of 2011.

- Bean
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby crazyED_ntc » Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:59 pm

aww shucks......Im in for one of the PCBs though. There is something about that whole process i know i would just funk up. Funk is a good thing just not where i need to solder a component.

Trying to get this build done by xmas.

Can I please have more info.

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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby ricardoruben » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:12 pm

Synthex, im interested in the all in one kit.
would you will be selling those next year ?

Also, im not able to do payment via bank or paypal.
do you accept other methods, like sending you the money via WesternUnion?

ps: if you only sell the pcb, how much will it cost? (shipping to Argentina).
would you also sell the programed ICs ? (atmega644 and 18F14K50)
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Synthex » Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:33 pm

I will provide in one month, the All In One PCB v3.2 56 inputs,
for 20 euros with airmail shipping around the world.

I can also provide :
- 1* Programmed 18F14K50 USB 2.0
- 7* 74HC4851
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Frubbl » Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:10 am


I tried to contact you but I did not get any reply.
I'm still interested in one complete kit.
Please answer.

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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby jman 31 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:02 pm

Sounds to me like you can only get the PCB's, the multiplexors and the programmed usb chip now. Everything else you will have to source yourself.
jman 31
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby pedro99 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:55 pm

Hi Synthex,

will you also provide the other PCBs (inputs + keyboard)?

best regards
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby rommm » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:29 am

Hey guys, I just joined not too long ago and bought my 3.2 kit, and have the main board 80% completed, but I have a bunch of questions which may or may not be covered somewhere I did not find or could not understand. I expected a bit more from the Quick PDF manual which is basically no more than a parts list, I'm not too good with schematics, and there are NO pictures of the redesigned board or input boards completed.

Is there an FAQ or a FULL PDF manual somewhere that I can access?? Are there actual hi-res pictures of the 3.2 and input boards assembled out of cases? Maybe a tutorial somewhere? Do I need to use both the USB inputs on the main board AND the input board, or one or the other? Where is the USB ON header on the 3.2 board that has the 3.1 final pictures all over the post? What are the AUX pin header and ICSP pin headers for? Do the USB pin headers get connected together?

If anyone could answer my few simple questions or even point me somewhere they're answered I'd be most appreciative. If I didn't think you guys were geniuses for coming up with all this, I certainly do now!

I second this request, Are there pictures of the completed input boards and everything all connected ANYWHERE? This thing is taking me forever to put together. It would be great if there was a FULL documentation other than just a list of parts in the QUICK MANUAL. It would be nice if the documentation resided on the main megadrum site so I don't have to dig through the forum to try and find fragmented documentation. The youtube links point to a video that no longer exists.

To test I have need to put a jumper on the power? I can't find anywhere in the documentation what power this thing is supposed to have, it doesn't say on the schematic that I can see. At any rate, my kit does not power on with a jumper on. Is it supposed to be powered with usb? I really can't tell, the
I am a bit frustrated, and worried I have wasted my time and money on something I will never get to work.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:26 am

rommm wrote:
Hey guys, I just joined not too long ago and bought my 3.2 kit, and have the main board 80% completed, but I have a bunch of questions which may or may not be covered somewhere I did not find or could not understand. I expected a bit more from the Quick PDF manual which is basically no more than a parts list, I'm not too good with schematics, and there are NO pictures of the redesigned board or input boards completed.

Is there an FAQ or a FULL PDF manual somewhere that I can access?? Are there actual hi-res pictures of the 3.2 and input boards assembled out of cases? Maybe a tutorial somewhere? Do I need to use both the USB inputs on the main board AND the input board, or one or the other? Where is the USB ON header on the 3.2 board that has the 3.1 final pictures all over the post? What are the AUX pin header and ICSP pin headers for? Do the USB pin headers get connected together?

If anyone could answer my few simple questions or even point me somewhere they're answered I'd be most appreciative. If I didn't think you guys were geniuses for coming up with all this, I certainly do now!

I second this request, Are there pictures of the completed input boards and everything all connected ANYWHERE? This thing is taking me forever to put together. It would be great if there was a FULL documentation other than just a list of parts in the QUICK MANUAL. It would be nice if the documentation resided on the main megadrum site so I don't have to dig through the forum to try and find fragmented documentation. The youtube links point to a video that no longer exists.

To test I have need to put a jumper on the power? I can't find anywhere in the documentation what power this thing is supposed to have, it doesn't say on the schematic that I can see. At any rate, my kit does not power on with a jumper on. Is it supposed to be powered with usb? I really can't tell, the
I am a bit frustrated, and worried I have wasted my time and money on something I will never get to work.

I guess that the lack of replies to these questions is due to the way the questions are asked.
1. as far as I can see the first page of this topic contains FULL documentation/information on how to build Synthex's kit. What do you mean by FULL documentation?
2. The youtube link works. Or are we talking about different youtube links?
3. Synthex's board can be powered either over USB or from external power supply, hence the power selector connector.
4. Building MegaDrum does require some basic electronics knowledge, like ground/power wires.

Frustration will help little with tackling any kinds of problems.

P.S. Synthex has no control of the MegaDrum website so cannot place any documentation there.
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