>>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sale !

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby primal65 » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:40 am

Hey Synthex. Any update on if you will be selling the all-in-one kits again next year, or is it just pcb from now on?

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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Synthex » Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:53 pm

For now, I'm going to sell only the main PCB.

If there is a strong demand for other PCBs or complete kits, I'll see in the future.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Synthex » Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:04 pm

rommm wrote:Is there an FAQ or a FULL PDF manual somewhere that I can access?? Are there actual hi-res pictures of the 3.2 and input boards assembled out of cases? Maybe a tutorial somewhere? Where is the USB ON header on the 3.2 board that has the 3.1 final pictures all over the post?

There is a FAQ on the first page :
The v3.2 is the same as v3.1 without "USB ON header", then forget this connector, it is useless.

rommm wrote:Do I need to use both the USB inputs on the main board AND the input board, or one or the other?
Do the USB pin headers get connected together?

Use only one of them at the same time.
If you use the USB connector on the input board, you need to connect the USB pin headers together.

rommm wrote:What are the AUX pin header and ICSP pin headers for?

AUX pin is to use the free jack input. At this time, It is useless.
ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) pin headers is to program the chip.

rommm wrote:Are there pictures of the completed input boards and everything all connected ANYWHERE

On the "Megadrum Gallery", on the first page of this topic, ...

rommm wrote:To test I have need to put a jumper on the power?

Please read the FAQ.
To test, you can use a jumper on the "Power Selection" connector.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby rommm » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:03 am

Ok my board has powered on, I had the jumper wrong, hopefully I did not fry it.
If you took the power requirements out of the FAQ, fleshed it out and put it in the pdf Documentation, it probably would stop being a FAQ... my two cents.

What I'd like is a picture of the input boards, midi in out, ICSP encoders, power selection connected to the main board. It would make this project much much more breezy.
I am not seeing that in the first post. There is a picture of the main board all put together... but not the modules and connectors connected...Am I missing it?

Is the "keyboard" those 4 button switches? What are they supposed to do?

What does the encoders do?

I have never wired a midi connector before... It looks like there are two midi connectors but just one midi in out on the main board. Is there somewhere that shows how to wire them to the main board?

Can you explain what I should do with the pedal impedance? What does that mean? What should I use it for?
Jumper A : High Input Impedance
Jumper B : Low Input Impedance
Jumper C : Tip = +5Volts ; Ring = Input
Jumper D : Ring = +5Volts ; Tip = Input

WHY does synthex not have capability to post documentation on the megadrum site?
Who's in charge of the megadrum site that will not allow it? At least let synthex put up a super detailed pdf or something, not just a list of parts.
Really it will take you like 10 minutes to take it off the forum and make it into a pdf.
It would make my life and anyone trying to put together a kit much easier to not have to go through a bunch of disjunct documentation.
It is a super cool board and there is nothing like it commercially. I can't wait until I have it working.

Thanks for answering. I am going to go see if this will trigger.
Last edited by rommm on Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Synthex » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:27 am

rommm wrote:What I'd like is a picture of the input boards, midi in out, ICSP encoders, power selection connected to the main board. It would make this project much much more breezy.
I am not seeing that in the first post. There is a picture of the main board all put together... but not the modules and connectors connected...Am I missing it?


rommm wrote:Is the "keyboard" those 4 button switches? What are they supposed to do? How does this thing work?

http://www.megadrum.info/content/genera ... adrum-menu

rommm wrote:Someone in the previous message said something about needing ground and power... what power/amperage/volts does this thing take? I assumed usb takes care of this? If so, should I be doing something specific aside from plugging in the usb cable to the main board?
What should I do with the power selector and the power supply?

In the PDF documentation, you see :
Power Selection Connector :
1 - Switch ON (Power USB)
2 - Switch Common (Power IN)
3 - Switch ON (Power Supply)
Power Supply Connector :
1 - 7V to 12V (AC or DC)
2 - 7V to 12V (AC or DC)

rommm wrote:WHY does synthex not have capability to post documentation on the megadrum site?
Who's in charge of the megadrum site that will not allow it? At least let synthex put up a super detailed pdf or something, not just a list of parts.
It would make my life and anyone trying to put together a kit much easier to not have to go through a bunch of disjunct documentation.

The PDF is not just a list of parts !
You've got shematics and connectors pinouts.
Building MegaDrum does require some basic electronics knowledge.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby rommm » Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:46 am

Ok It is powered on but the 32 input board isn't triggering. The 24 input board is triggering… Do I have to set anything special with the Megadrum Config Tool?
I set it as 56 inputs and MCU type Atmega644 and changed in&Out to Megadrum USB MIDI and sent it to the Megadrum
Do I need to change anything else to get the 32 board working?do I need to hook up that usb 4 pin? I thought I saw on the forum that it wasn't necessary...

What do the encoders do?

I have never wired a midi connector before... It looks like there are two midi connectors but just one midi in out on the main board. Is there somewhere that shows how to wire them to the main board?

Can you explain what I should do with the pedal impedance? What does that mean? What should I use it for?
I am using standard piezos as triggers...
Jumper A : High Input Impedance
Jumper B : Low Input Impedance
Jumper C : Tip = +5Volts ; Ring = Input
Jumper D : Ring = +5Volts ; Tip = Input

REALLY? That slayer666 picture? That's not the synthex board and it's low res.
I can read a schematic and figure out parts but I am not a power electronics engineer! That is why I bought a kit!
How about gathering up all the documentation from around the site and putting it step by step in a pdf? It's a cool kit. Even if there was a step by step with links to the website that would help alot and I'd have to bug you all less to get this working.

pdf documentation wishlist for synthex kit:
1. Solder stuff to board -- picture of finished board
2. connect boards together like this, you need to connect blablabla cable if you want to do blablalba and why -- picture of everything hooked up
3. get config software
4. set config software up like such for this board --picture of software settings
4.5 software options for drumming with BFD, Toontrack, Addictive Drums and long discussion about software pros and cons
5. highly detailed and a lot of information and why --picture of details
6. to get more highly detailed info here is link

Thanks for all the help.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby dmitri » Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:06 am

MegaDrum is a DIY project. As such it does require some DIY skills and willingness to poke around (not much). The fact that one person out of dozens have problems building MegaDrum doesn't mean documentation/info/help is not there. I, Synthex, other MegaDrum users have lives outside the MegaDrum project so I doubt any will be spending time on writing documentation on "how to tell +5 from ground" or "how to solder stuff to board". I've been through this, see FAQ 5 in a sticky topic MegaDrum FAQ. Read it before posting in this forum!.
I know it is not the kind of replies you are expecting but this is the way it is I'm afraid. Sorry.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby rommm » Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:27 pm

I made a new ribbon cable and my 32 input board triggers now. YAY! I am so relieved.

Still have to figure out how to orient the midi cables in case I want to sync with my friend.
For midi out I have to connect 3,4,5 to 1,2,3 and midi in 4,5 to 4,5.
Is it necessary to ground the midi connector with that BIG 6th pin? It doesn't show that pin on the schematic.

Do I need to do anything else or can I move onto sound making?


MegaDrum is a DIY project. As such it does require some DIY skills and willingness to poke around (not much). The fact that one person out of dozens have problems building MegaDrum doesn't mean documentation/info/help is not there. I, Synthex, other MegaDrum users have lives outside the MegaDrum project so I doubt any will be spending time on writing documentation on "how to tell +5 from ground" or "how to solder stuff to board". I've been through this, see FAQ 5 in a sticky topic MegaDrum FAQ. Read it before posting in this forum!.
I know it is not the kind of replies you are expecting but this is the way it is I'm afraid. Sorry.

I never asked you how to tell +5 from ground or how to solder stuff to board. You could add the power requirements to the schematic, that would help though.
Perhaps you know the site and documentation like the back of your hand, but as someone new to megadrum, the way the basic documentation is linked to a million posts on the forum is unnecessarily confusing and time consuming as there could be a step by step pdf that comes with teh kit.
But Whatever, it's your kit, it's not open source unfortunately, If you are not interested in making the documentation better, that is your prerogative.
If any one of you get inspired to do something to try to lower the rate of FAQ's, check out these sites have GREAT comprehensive documentation with step by step instructions:

I will stop telling you what to do now. Sorry I was crabby about the documentation.
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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby Synthex » Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:40 pm

Megadrum All In One PCB v3.2 56 inputs will be available in early January.
The price is 20 euros with airmail shipping around the world.

I can also provide :
- 1* Programmed 18F14K50 USB 2.0
- 7* 74HC4851

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Re: >>> KIT AVAILABLE <<< All In One v3.2 PCB 56i Kit for sa

Postby gasper » Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:28 pm

im in!:)
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