oliboy wrote:just finished building..still getting a zero reading on pin 14...im using a 470n 100v capacitor connected to pin 14...i think this is the one causing the problem...do you think so?...
atomburst wrote:i have tried multiple times with every combination of settings on the computer, i have checked my wiring of the programming cable, and i have even put 5v straight to the chip to make sure it was getting enough power.
i am mostly worried about voltages that i am getting, is there something wrong with the chip?
atomburst wrote:this may be a silly question, but i would like to know before i decide to purchase another chip. If my pic18f2550 has worked before, is it possible it has become damaged or faulty even by not fiddling with it? it stopped working when the usb cord was accidently pulled out while trying to read information from it via mct.
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