Yamaha RHH130 setup

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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:15 am

jmcdougall wrote:From your schematics, it appears that the alternate hihat input is taking the tip through a 100 ohm resistor and directly into pin 33 ADC7 (PA7) . Is this correct ?

Acccording to the Synthex v2.7 schematics ADC4 - ADC7 have no external connections. So I am going to have put a 100 ohm resistor on my analog input board from the tip return and then run a wire from it to pin 33 on the ATMega?


I also have now measured the actual voltages at the tip output of the control jack on the hihat

HiHat Open 3.1V
partially open 3.06V
In between 2.85V
partially closed 2.80V
Hihat fully closed 150mv

What should this translate to in terms of configuration settings ?

Nothing. You should feed power to the tip and read the output from the ring.
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:33 pm

So I do not need to use a cross-over cable ???
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:54 pm

jmcdougall wrote:So I do not need to use a cross-over cable ???

If you built the module yourself than can just wire the HiHat pedal jack accordingly and you won't need a crossover cable.
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:55 am

Just to confirm

-- The Yamaha circuit I posted shows the power should be coming into the hihat on the hihat ring -- which would correspond to Synthex's input connector pin3 Power source for Hihat controller. The return from the hihat controller, which the the hihat tip, should go into the 100 ohm resistor connected to pin 33 on the ATMega
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:41 am

jmcdougall wrote:Just to confirm

-- The Yamaha circuit I posted shows the power should be coming into the hihat on the hihat ring -- which would correspond to Synthex's input connector pin3 Power source for Hihat controller. The return from the hihat controller, which the the hihat tip, should go into the 100 ohm resistor connected to pin 33 on the ATMega

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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:19 am

Although the schematic shows no connections for pins 33 - 37 on the schematic, it looks like Synthex implemented pull-up resistors on those pins -- see
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=187 and look at the board layout versus the schematic --- you can see the resistors beside each of the pins .

I am assuming that I should be able to remove the pullup resistor and tie the hihat input via the 100 ohm resistor into this connection as discussed previously?


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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:34 am

I was wrong about the pullups -- when I looked at it under a magnifying glass there reaaly were no othe connections so I wired up as described previously but !

I am getting the +5V on the ring output as required to feed the pad as you indicated earlier after you looked at the schematic.

I am also getting about 1.6V being output on pin 33 --- is this what I should be seeing ? I would have thought that this should be an input pin that does not produce voltage.

When I plug to pad controller I get no real change in voltage on this pin until I pedal all the way down which should be a short to ground on the 5v side but end up with almost +5 on the tip input.

Do we also set the configuration for the hihat control to Alt Input ? If not how do we tell the system to use the pin 33 input as opposed to the std Hihat control input ?

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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:45 am

When asking for a pinout on the Synthex's board you will have to compare it yourself with the pinout of the official board published by me.
I can only provide help on the schematics/boards developed by me.

IF you use the High impedance HiHat input you have to set AltIn to Yes, just as the documentation says.
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby jmcdougall » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:32 pm

Synthex does nothing with pins 33-36 - there are no connections to the chip, just the solder points on the pins. the only difference right now is that you take pins 34 - 36 through 4k7 resistors (that act as pull ups ?) pin 33 is now wired exactly the saem as your schematic with the tip comming through a 100 ohm resistor and attaching directly to pin 33 on the ATMega.

What I don't understand is when there is nothing connected, I am measuring 1.6V on pin 33. If this is an input to an ADC shouldn't it measure 0V relative to ground with no input connected? Based on the schematic of the Yamaha circuit I posted earlier, ther response I am seeing almost looks like when the hihat switch switched the 110K resistor attached to the tip output to ground, it acts like a pullup resistor and the input goes up to 5V instead of down to 0v.

I would have expected a baseline voltage on the output side that as each progressive contact closure is made the resistance to ground drops and the voltage drops accordingly untill the last contact grounds the tip and the voltage drops to 0V if i take the hihat offline and feed 5V on the ring and measure the tip, then these onservations are what I documented in the earlier post.

However pin 33 causes a very different set of results -- almost inverting the values and making the differences between all the intermediate switch closures almost invisible.

Can someone explain what is happening ?

Getting somewhat frustrated and making what should be very straight forward work

If I have to rework the high hat circuit itself, I can do that !
Thank you
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Re: Yamaha RHH130 setup

Postby dmitri » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:50 pm

Atmega is programmed to weakly pull the hihat ADC input to +5 so that simple switch type pedals could work without additional power source. Hence the voltage on the ADC input.
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