have the problem, that the fd-8 footcontroller from roland is very inconsistent. the cc messages dont stay still, they allways jumping in bettween full closed an full opened positoins. for example have the pedal exact in the middle and dont move it anymore, but the cc messeges are jumping from 80-90 : 81, 83, 81, 83, 89, 82, 89, 82....
the open hihats sounds crappy because of changing positions too many times in a second... sometimes my computer even gets slowed down, because has to play too many samples...
reducing cc messeges i have tried too, but after that, dont get the whole range, if i move the pedal too slow up and down and sometimes if i move it too fast...
for now, my settings are low and hi lvl: 50 - 150 ... have tried altin. it works but the same way. cc messeges are jumping and dont stay still between full closed and opened position. in some positions the pedal works acceptable and in some absolute bad.
is there a way to stop the jumping cc notes? maybe with a resistor or something? the controller is tested and absolute ok. tried it on my trigger io.