program atmega32 w/o isp cable?

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program atmega32 w/o isp cable?

Postby rahmanabas » Wed May 22, 2013 10:10 am

Hello Megadrum community,

I have just build a synthex 2.5 pcb. I have programmed the pic using pickit2. My laptop recognizes "MegaDrum USB MIDI". Only thing left is the atmega32. I realised that I need a bootloader programmed into the avr before loading the firmware using MIDIOX. Hence, I want to program the unprotected bootloader( because I am a cheapo and buying the avr from Dimtri would be relatively expensive to me. However, neither parallel nor serial ports are available to me. No one I know of have a cpu with those ports either. Anyone knows a way to do this? :) :) :)

P.S. I wonder if anyone in this forum is from Singapore.
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Re: program atmega32 w/o isp cable?

Postby dmitri » Wed May 22, 2013 11:53 am

As I mentioned it several times, there is no point to program unprotected bootloader since you will not be able to load any newer than 20100516 firmware version.
If you don't have an LPT port than the only way you can program your Atmega is using some USB Atmega/AVR programmer, e.g. AVR Dragon.
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Re: program atmega32 w/o isp cable?

Postby rahmanabas » Wed May 22, 2013 12:25 pm

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Yes I am aware that the unprotected bootloader is only able to load firmware 20100516 or older. I figured I just need the last unencrypted firmware just to learn drums. Maybe I'll buy a pre-programmed ATmega from you in the future.

As for the lpt ports, I guess I have to try harder searching for it.
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