Hi dmitri, I have some doubts about the new changes to the firmware.
1. Can the 3way triggering mode be activated between any two inputs or is there specific inputs that support this setting?
2. How is crosstalk supression implemented? When you set a crosstalk value high for input X, you then don't trigger soft hits that happen at the same time that other inputs? or is it the other way: you don't trigger soft hits of all other inputs if input X plays a normal hit? (I suppose it is the first option..) That new feature of the crosstalk groups is soooooo nice. It is going to be very useful in my kit because I have some parts of the kit separated from others.
Has it been already tested?
3. For the high impedance hihat, can I connect both input options to the same jack? It is for making the same jack valid for both types of impedance. Is it electrically possible?
4. Where is the limit for megadrum's "ammount of code built in" vs "good performance and latency"?? You keep on making new features, till the infinite and beyond. I'm really impressed
Is there any moment in which we are going to need new hardware ?
5. Are you going to write a manual for all this new features. I mean, not a manual saying what you can change, but a manual where you explain how all the parameters/features megadrum has, affect the triggering. (the same explanations you have spreaded all over the forum for each new firmware features). For example: "crosstalk" affects blablabla, if you set it high, you blablabla, if you set it low blabla, also, it is recommended to set this other parameter blablabla if you set this blabla.... and so on. It would be very very nice to have such document containing all the experience from you and all the users of megadrum setting it and this would make megadrum project much more profesional and greater