Simple Resitor help needed

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Simple Resitor help needed

Postby drumkandy » Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:58 pm

I just received my mega drum module in the mail today, I can tell it has great potential. I use Roland's RT10s/t/k triggers with mesh heads (just like the megadrum fanatic, angr77. That guy is great) His consensus, along with others is that I need to install 15 k resistors to "cool" down my triggers. Im no noob to soldering, but I am a noob with resistors so I need some help. Main questions-
1. Do I need a resistor for each TRS trigger I use, or just one for all 5 triggers?
2. Is there any difference for 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 watt resistors?
3. Using the picture below, could someone tell me where to connect each resistor? Is it just as simple as soldering it on, bridging where the wires connect? ... G_2097.jpg

Thanks for your time guys. :D
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:09 pm

drumkandy wrote:I just received my mega drum module in the mail today, I can tell it has great potential. I use Roland's RT10s/t/k triggers with mesh heads (just like the megadrum fanatic, angr77. That guy is great) His consensus, along with others is that I need to install 15 k resistors to "cool" down my triggers. Im no noob to soldering, but I am a noob with resistors so I need some help. Main questions-
1. Do I need a resistor for each TRS trigger I use, or just one for all 5 triggers?

You need resistors only with "too hot" pads/triggers.

2. Is there any difference for 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 watt resistors?

For this purpose no.

3. Using the picture below, could someone tell me where to connect each resistor? Is it just as simple as soldering it on, bridging where the wires connect?

You'd better not to do it in the module. Do it only in pads/triggers which are "too hot" or make a cable with a voltage divider: viewtopic.php?p=11911#p11911
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby drumkandy » Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:20 pm

You'd better not to do it in the module.

Is there something I should worry about? I don't think I could figure out how to make a voltage divider, as you said it looks like Egyptian hieroglyphs to me. I'm also not looking to take apart my triggers and void the warranty. angr77 had success with doing it in the module, unless I am mistaken here's a picture he took- ... 000830.jpg
I only plan on using the "too hot" triggers, so it there a problem?
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby angr77 » Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:16 pm


For the RT-10S, you only need to cool down the head piezo...not the rim piezo. 15k will do the trick.
Note: On my see a Roland VH-11 pedal patch, which is used to create a better dynamic between the high/low this is something complete else than cooling down a trigger. In your case the resistor should be connected in serial with the piezo.

The best regards

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby drumkandy » Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:22 pm

angr77 wrote:Hi.
In your case the resistor should be connected in serial with the piezo.

So I need to take apart the rt10s and attach a resistor? Sorry for my lack of knowledge im 8 parts drummer, only 2 parts nerd :lol: Is there any easy way of doing this? Thanks angr, all of your videos and info are what inspired me to buy this.
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby angr77 » Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:46 pm


First, it sounds great to have been inspiring somebody to the MD! It is a great deal of fun!

No, i would not patch the actual that way. What you need to do is to connect a resistor on the cable going to the tele plugs " tip" in serial. I have seen some people patched the actual tele connector on the cable between the trigger and MD.

I have patched my MD on the female inputs. Unsolder the incoming cable on the tip and inserted a 15K resistor here. Could be some job to do this..but it works...but if you change need to remember this...So the best would maybe to patch the cable.

Best Regards

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:09 pm

angr77 wrote:but if you change need to remember this...So the best would maybe to patch the cable.

I can only back Angr77's words here and this is exactly why I suggest not to do it in the module itself. Yamaha does it this way in their pads/cymbals.
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby drumkandy » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:41 pm

I understand your concern, but for what I am using the MD for, it is no problem and was the easiest way to do it. I added a 10k and now the pad seems "cold' I guess. If i hit it as hard as I will ever while playing, it registers at the top of the scale. But low to moderate hits have trouble reading and rolls are terrible now and register very few. I guess I have a lot of reading up to do on the forum.
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby angr77 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:00 pm

Great to hear. You are ready for the next step! :-)

Check this post. There is a sequence you could perform on your drums/pad (s) with mesh heads to get them perfect!


Just follow Dmitri's instructions...! 6 pre set the start values and then about 6-7 more steps and carefully looking on the midi monitor.

Best Regards

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: Simple Resitor help needed

Postby drumkandy » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:44 pm

Great thanks for the link and all of your help!

Have you guys thought about making a post for beginners that would make it easier to configure? These forums have every answer you would ever need, but it is scattered out making it a daunting task for some. If you made a post in this fashion:
Problem: Pad is too hot Solution: viewtopic.php?p=20543#p20543

It would just be a place to organize all of the good posts. Just a thought, as I want as many people to experience MD as possible.
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