hihat sound when using kick

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Re: hihat sound when using kick

Postby shuey79 » Tue May 06, 2014 4:59 pm

Yeah, I guess thats what I'm pretty much asking.. why do you have to disable it? I was comparing the dtx502 module (because thats the only module I've tried) that has a function where when you hit a pad the settings for that pad show up on the screen. I was thinking -- well yamaha has this function and you don't have to disable it so why would you have to on something else that has the same function.
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Re: hihat sound when using kick

Postby dmitri » Tue May 06, 2014 5:42 pm

If you make changes in the module itself via Menu then it has its own 'Quick Access' function - see it http://www.megadrum.info/content/miscellaneous-settings - and you can leave it enabled as long as you want.
TriggeredInCC is for quick access in MDM and MDCommander. Does dtx502 or Yamaha have anything like MDM?
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