help me troubleshoot

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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby airflamesred » Sat May 10, 2014 3:56 pm

workroom wrote:Even if i set thredholds all at 127

Let me see if I've got this straight, thresholds set at 127 and all inputs are false triggering?

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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby workroom » Sat May 10, 2014 4:13 pm

airflamesred wrote:
workroom wrote:Even if i set thredholds all at 127

Let me see if I've got this straight, thresholds set at 127 and all inputs are false triggering?

Yes all thresholds maxed out at 127. As soon as the pedal is connected, constant triggering of any pad that is connected. Level decreases as threshold gets raised up to 127 and the pads all trigger continuously.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby airflamesred » Sat May 10, 2014 4:21 pm

Well this has nothing to do with the firmware upgrade, thats certain.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby workroom » Sat May 10, 2014 4:26 pm

angr77 wrote:Make a screen shot of the hi hat settings and post it here.

What is your story? Have you built the MD yourself? ATMega or ARM?
Have you ever been able to use the MD?

Have you seen the cctringerin function? If you enable this checkbox and click send in the will see in MDM which drum who causes the most triggering. If you disable the cctriggerin at this stage...and click send. You are now able to go that epad that caused the error and raise the threshold or lower the gain. Continue with this process until all e-pads has stopped ringing. Most often when problems like this occur...there could be a cymbal switch or a rim/edge trigger that starts the error flow.

It is also important to have gone though the auto high level process for each drum. You have to actually turn auto high level to yes on the MD...jump to the next parameter eg. high level and hit the pad quite hard a couple of times....then you get the proper level for thar drum. Go back and turn auto high level off. Read or type it in manually for that drum from MDM...using load...if you want to reuse it.

For the hi-hat pedal...have you ever got it work? If so...have you kept the configuration?
If you disconnect the pedal...does the ringing stops then and you are able to play as usual on your drums? How has your HH input switch been set and do you use the alternative input...enabled in MDM?

Using a hall sensor is a bit different...I have no experience ... But it should maybe work. Can any other on the forum confirm?


I built it and loved it since January this year. Recorded a lot of jams with it. Have converted Gretsch Catalina, a pcy135 and a pcy15. I have a bunch of backups. They don't change the problem, tried loading a few.

Tried starting from scratch by connecting 1 pad at a time and setting new hi levels 1 at a time but as soon as two are connected they cross talk.

I even have a backup hall sensor since I bought two originally. The pedal was the first thing I built. It always worked really well. Tried connecting the new sensor and it behaves the same.

I can take pictures tomorrow. I think something broke. Have a show in June and need this for rehearsals so I am contemplating buying another minimal kit. Have to look at prices/talk to Dimitri if there's any warranty.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby dmitri » Sat May 10, 2014 5:18 pm

If you don't find the cause of the problem, you can send the board back to me for investigation.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby workroom » Sat May 10, 2014 6:58 pm

Thanks Dimitri, angr77, airflamesred,

I tried the triggered in cc feature and it looks like with all thresholds set to 127 I get constant triggering out of 5, 6, 10, and 11, if I connect the pedal. Other channels stop constantly triggering if threshold is 80.

I have hardly any ideas left so I think I will take the main board out and send it in. Need to track down the address.

The only things I was thinking of trying are swapping out the pedal jack and swapping out the ribbon cable. But the jacks are nice switchcraft ones and the cable is the nice multicolored kind, bought in Akihabara, Tokyo's electronics mecca... anyhow I will try before I send it back.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby workroom » Sun May 11, 2014 5:41 am

Tried connecting a guitar volume pedal and it can register hi level of 215 and low of 115, and constant triggering doesn't happen, I guess because the pot is passive whereas the hall sensor is active. But striking a cymbal or drum triggers every channel, except tom2 and kick, which are both now dead.
I dont have another connector for my leftover ribbon cable so i am not even going to try and swap that. And since the volume pedal worked i am not going to swap jacks either. Gonna PM for a return address.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby workroom » Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:58 pm

Just a quick update that Dmtri was awesome enough to take my main board back to test and found no problems with it. So I must have had wiring faults. The thing I had my doubts about was my pad connectors wiring so I bought a new cable and soldered it all in. I am still waiting for the board to come back to Japan but when it gets here and I put it back in I am going to post after I try it out.
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby workroom » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:11 pm

If I connect a piezo, it begins ringing. I mean high frequency sound is emitted from the piezo. I tried inputs kick, snare, tom1, tom2, hi hat, crash, ride. I tried using my snare drum, my rack tom, and just a raw piezo with wires soldered onto it. I tried four different cables, only one connection made at a time. I disconnected midi from the main board. I checked ground continuity and made sure all tips and rings are not shorting to ground.

Any ideas? I have a multimeter, are there things I can verify?

Sad megadrum in tokyo. . .
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Re: help me troubleshoot

Postby dmitri » Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:39 pm

If a piezo starts buzzing/ringing when you connect it to an input then it's most likely that you connected it to an Edge/Rim input which is configured as a switch input.
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