1. MinScan on the bow and the edge should be set equal.
Done. Both set to 40.
2. If Alt or Pressroll are not used they must be set equal Note.
3. Light hits on the edge are very likely not to 'make' the edge switch and therefore will be registered as bow hits.
With the above settings I still get the false triggering.
4. The Threshold on the bow seems to be set to low, i.e. too sensitive and as a result "after hit" vibration with too low Threshold on the bow will likely cause false bow triggering.
Yes, this is exactly the problem. If I set threshold above 10, the false triggering begins to go away but the bow becomes much less sensitivity when compared to using it with the TD-30 (TD-30 does not have any false triggering issues between bow and edge even through bow is very sensitive).
I am trying to make the CY-14c on the MD behave the same way it does on the TD-30.
TD-30 sensitivity:
Bouncing a stick on CY-14c using the TD-30 registers all hits except, perhaps, one or two at the end. The bow is very, very sensitive and does not false trigger with edge hits.
MD Sensitivity:
To completely eliminate false triggering on the MD, bow threshold needs to be set at about 20-25. With this level of threshold, bouncing a stick on the MD will only register the first 2-3 hits, all the rest are too low for the MD to pick up. the bow is very insensitive when compared to the TD-30.
Any ideas?