Extra little idea for Megadrum?

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Extra little idea for Megadrum?

Postby ohawker » Tue May 27, 2008 8:31 pm


First thing, congrats on megadrum! Just finished the basic parts of megadrum, very impressed, cheers man!

Just a suggestion, which I dont think would be too hard to implement, on channel 1 you have an input for a potentiometer? On other inputs, the choices are Piezo/Switch for pads, why not add an option to accept input from a potentiometer rather than a pad, that could then output a midi CC instead of a midi note? I thought that this could be used for, say an expression pedal linked to a VST effect, or would effectively allow the user to create any kind of progressive control?

I know for me, personally, this would have a wide range of uses, I would maybe even consider building a second megadrum to handle progressive inputs ;)

Please let me know if i'm way off with this idea, but im assuming it wouldnt be too hard as the code has already been written for hi-hat controller!

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Re: Extra little idea for Megadrum?

Postby slayer666 » Tue May 27, 2008 9:06 pm

I've used my hihat input to record and control the wahwah pedal in guitar rig and cubase.
I can edit the midi data If I'm not satisfied with the way I played the wahwah.
Really useful if you nailed the solo notes but made misstakes on the wahwah.

I have an extra volumepedal that I added a TRS connector inside.
I just use the same cable and input as the hihat pedal.
Tweak the settings to your liking and save the new expressionpedal setting to a new bank in the megadrum.

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Re: Extra little idea for Megadrum?

Postby elrules » Wed May 28, 2008 5:59 pm

What you propose in other words is to make megadrum able to manage two hihat pedal inputs.
That would be nice, but maybe atmega can't support another thread managing other pot input.
If it can, woa, that would be nice
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Re: Extra little idea for Megadrum?

Postby ohawker » Wed May 28, 2008 9:26 pm

elrules wrote:What you propose in other words is to make megadrum able to manage two hihat pedal inputs.
That would be nice, but maybe atmega can't support another thread managing other pot input.
If it can, woa, that would be nice

Thats basically the idea, but to have each channel to have an option to be a pot input. You say that Atmega could not handle it, is this due to the update speed required? If so, the sampling rate of a control pot may not have to be as high as hihat pedal, reducing strain on the processor? I do not know (by no means an expert!) but just a thought.
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