Looking at converting an A kit. What does megadrum get me that the Yamaha DTX502 wont? I'ml a die hard DIY guy, and maybe its just exchange rates, but this is currenrly looking like a tough sell. Especially since I'll be stuck with Hydrogen rather than Addictive Drums ir similar.
I have a small kit, 1u/1d, hats, crash, ride. So I'm looking at. 16 inputs tops. Maybe a One more for cowbell. The tipping point for me is if there's a better hat control. I 'll be using a real hat stand, and I'm a bit concerned about electronic hats being too easy. Cause most of them are, I suck on real hats, but even I can nake most ehats work.
Anyone want to try to talk me out of the Yamaha (Like it sucks would be a good reason. But my understanding is the 502 is the heart of some if their nice kits, and its like $260us nib.