What are the Best Drum Triggers for Jazz?

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What are the Best Drum Triggers for Jazz?

Postby amasone101 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:25 am

Hello Everyone, I am back after a medical recovery.
Please excuse this question if it has been answered.
Q: What are the best drum triggers on the market for Jazz using the latest Megadrum?
I am seeing Billy Blast, the new Roland triggers, and 626drums popping up on Google searches. Please no home grown ideas. I have done that back in the 80's ;)
Much appreciated!
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Re: What are the Best Drum Triggers for Jazz?

Postby airflamesred » Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:06 am

I don't think playing jazz needs anything specific. Triggera do these http://triggera.com/triggers/internal-intrigg I haven't tried them but their other products are good.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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