Cross stick technique

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Cross stick technique

Postby bma » Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:08 am

Hi all

I'm considering a megadrum module for my first e-drum kit, having only played acoustic drums until now. Maybe someone can answer this question:
I'm trying to figure out a way playing a cross stick technique the way you would on a real snare. I imagine this would cause both zones of a 2-piezo pad (with center-mounted cone trigger) to trigger, therefore the rimshot/Bnote would be sent to the PC. Is the velocity for Bnote taken from the rim or the head piezo? If its from the rim i guess this could be used for the cross stick sound. Obviously rimshots would then have to be played on the rim only, but cross stick is more important to me.
Or maybe there is a better solution to that problem?

I've found this video on youtube but the link to the v-drums forum is dead:
Does anyone have an idea how this works. He seems to have an additional trigger for the cross stick but how can you prevent the head from triggering?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re: Cross stick technique

Postby dmitri » Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:32 pm

With a dual piezo/piezo pads you can get 3 types of notes (disregarding Alternate Note and Pressroll Note):

1. Head hits notes.
2. Rim hits notes.
3. Head/Rim simultaneous hits notes (BNote). It's up to you to decide what sound this note will trigger - it can be rimshot or cross stick. The velocity of this note is calculated from the head piezo but I don't see why it would be more suitable for a cross stick if it were calculated from the rim piezo because when MegaDrum determines that both the head and the rim were hit simultaneously (based on DualMidWidth) the signal levels from both the head and the rim piezos are very close. If these signal levels are not close enough then MegaDrum determines that the weaker signal is a false triggering due to mechanical link from a hit on another zone and suppresses it.
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Re: Cross stick technique

Postby ignotus » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:19 pm

If by crosstick you mean resting the stick on the head while tapping the rim, don't worry - it doesn't also trigger the head, at least on my snare. I think rimshots get triggered when the velocity of head + rim is similar and the velocity is taken from the head piezo, but if you do a crosstick, the velocity detected by the head is negligible compared to the rim one and it just interprets it as a rim note, with velocity taken from there.
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Re: Cross stick technique

Postby airflamesred » Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:39 pm

There's many ways to achieve this but rest assured megadrum has the versatility to cope with any solution.

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Re: Cross stick technique

Postby bma » Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:39 pm

Thank you very much for taking the time answering, this makes me confident that megadrum is the right solution for me.
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Re: Cross stick technique

Postby airflamesred » Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:15 pm

bma wrote:Thank you very much for taking the time answering, this makes me confident that megadrum is the right solution for me.

T'is indeed and plenty of support for settings etc.

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