Diy Trigger

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Diy Trigger

Postby Chairapta » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:25 pm

Hello everyone.

Here are the trigger that I made ​​myself this weekend .
I get to have a decent enough signal.
To adjust the pad , I proceed as follows :
I set to 0 compression, level shift, xtalk lvl , and gain.
I then adjusted the treshold to not have false triggers .
I then adjusts the gain and High lvl for my 127 when I want (If I get the gain , I get the treshold too ).

The result is not too bad, but I 'm a little disappointed.
When I hit increasingly hard, the progress is not linear, some are too low, this is not regular.
Is it a trigger condition or wrong setting ?

thank you.
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:55 pm

1. Set Gain to 4, Threshold to 30, HighLevelAuto to Yes, HighLevel to 64 and then hit the pad very hard a dozens of times. What HighLevel do you get after that?
2. What value did you set MinScan to? Large mesh type pads require longer MinScan because their signal is wider.
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby Chairapta » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:05 pm

598 for highlvl and minscan 10
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby dmitri » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:31 pm

In this case:
1. Set Gain to 4, Threshold to 30, HighLevelAuto to No, HighLevel to 600, MinScan to 40 and Curve to Linear.
2. Hit the pad with the same low strength several times. Are there large variations in velocity?
3. Hit the pad with the same medium strength several times. Are there large variations in velocity?
4. Hit the pad with the same hard strength several times. Are there large variations in velocity?

Also, if your mesh head is larger than 12" then you may need to increase MinScan even more.
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby Chairapta » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:18 pm

here's what I get. (Tapping louder).
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby Chairapta » Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:19 pm

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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby dmitri » Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:04 pm

If I understand right what you're showing then you have very good velocity stability for low and medium strength hits but some velocity variations for strong hits.
In this case you can correct it with one of the Log Curves. Try it with Log3 or Log4 Curve.
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby ignotus » Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:11 pm

Minscan at 100 is way too high - leave it at around 40 or 50. Also, is the trigger entirely DIY or purchased? If DIY, what is the cone made out of? How is the piezo mounted in the assembly? How tight is the mesh head? Have you tried raising and lowering the cone?
When I've encountered those problems with inconsistent, 'jumpy' triggering it was invariably down to the physical assembly of the trigger/head tension. Depending on how stiff the cone is, it's better to have it press against the head slightly more if it's very soft. If it's very stiff sometimes it's better if it barely touches.
Also important is that the piezo needs to be able to flex, either with a disc underneath the size of the ceramic part or with a ring aroung the edge. Are you always hitting the same area on the head? If you're hitting on and around dead centre it might just be that you're occasionally hitting the hot spot (cone tip), causing sudden spikes in velocity with the same strength hit. In the end, hot spots led me to just making side-mounted triggers. Much cheaper, easier, and you get rid of the annoying hot spot.

Loads of variables to look at, but I'd focus on the mechanical setup of the trigger first.
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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby airflamesred » Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:23 pm

I agree with Ignotus here. You appear to be hitting the hot spot and it is maxing out your piezos at 120 (with gain 5) I would keep the gain at 4 or even try 3.

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Re: Diy Trigger

Postby Chairapta » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:45 pm

Here is the equipment used :


The top of the cone is located at a height of 1.5 mm above the chamfer . I find it relatively rigid , but I have no point of comparison.

Is it possible to have a convincing result with triggers as ddrum or Tdrum to place on the edge ?

Thank you again for all your reply :)
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