Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup question

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Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup question

Postby lrizzo2001 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:39 am

I don't know why I'm struggling so much to get my MD configured properly. I've watched the video on setting up the initial parameters using the Manager FX, and I agree that all channels should be disabled at first. What I'm struggling with is that the version in the video is not the same version as what I have. I'm trying to configure each pad by Only plugging that pad in to the correct channel based on the document that shows the input assignments. So for example I only plug my snare drum into the snare channel, but when I go to the snare drum parameter either snare 1 or snare 2, none of my changes have any effect, and I'm hitting send after every change just to be sure.
I can't find any Manual online, only tips etc, but all the examples are based on older versions of the manager. It had been mentioned to me that with the Roland pads I have to be on Piezo Switch, however on some channels I have the option of single piezo,Yamaha and roland 3way. on some I have Piezo, piezo switch etc. I'm just getting confused. When I select Ride cymbal for example in the Pads window, should I assume I'm editing whatever is plugged into
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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby dmitri » Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:50 am

lrizzo2001 wrote:I don't know why I'm struggling so much to get my MD configured properly. I've watched the video on setting up the initial parameters using the Manager FX, and I agree that all channels should be disabled at first. What I'm struggling with is that the version in the video is not the same version as what I have. I'm trying to configure each pad by Only plugging that pad in to the correct channel based on the document that shows the input assignments.
So for example I only plug my snare drum into the snare channel, but when I go to the snare drum parameter either snare 1 or snare 2, none of my changes have any effect, and I'm hitting send after every change just to be sure.

What parameters do change? When MDMFX starts it doesn't know settings in MegaDrum and shows all parameters names in blue color. As a first step you do to sync settings between MDMFX and MegaDrum is to do 'Get All' in MDMFX. All parameters names will change to black color indicating they are in sync with MegaDrum. If 'LiveIpdates' is not enabled, when you change a parameter in MDMFX, color of this parameter name changes to red, indicating it is not in sync with MegaDrum and you have to do 'Send' of 'Send All'. With 'LiveUpdates' enabled, whenever you change something in MDMFX it is automatically sent to MegaDrum.

I can't find any Manual online, only tips etc, but all the examples are based on older versions of the manager.

MDMFX is just a PC configuration tool for all the MegaDrum settings. Documentation for all MegaDrum settings is in ... figuration
It had been mentioned to me that with the Roland pads I have to be on Piezo Switch, however on some channels I have the option of single piezo,Yamaha and roland 3way. on some I have Piezo, piezo switch etc. I'm just getting confused. When I select Ride cymbal for example in the Pads window, should I assume I'm editing whatever is plugged into

I'm not sure I understand the question.
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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby airflamesred » Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:34 pm

The same principles apply to the current version.
Plug your pad in and hit, look at the midi log and see what note you are triggering. If it's different from the channels you are viewing then it could be that something is plugged in wrongly. It should be an easy case of deduction.
Then you'll know that's not where any further problems may lie.

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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby lrizzo2001 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:42 pm

ok I'm starting to understand a little better. However I'm still not getting Rim triggers on my Roland PD-7's and 10's. It's only giving me the head. I have the rim on the snare set to Piezo Switch and I've tried all 3 types on the head (single piezo,dual piezo/yamaha, and 3 zone roland, None of them give me Rim triggers. I'm only able to get rim triggers on my DIY 2 piezo tip/ring pads.
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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby airflamesred » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:28 am

Post a screenshot of the settings.

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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby lrizzo2001 » Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:52 pm

So the first thing I need to do everytime I turn on MD is do a Get All? After I make modifications and select Save All, should that be saving every parameter for me to recall later using Load All?

What parameters do change? When MDMFX starts it doesn't know settings in MegaDrum and shows all parameters names in blue color. As a first step you do to sync settings between MDMFX and MegaDrum is to do 'Get All' in MDMFX. All parameters names will change to black color indicating they are in sync with MegaDrum. If 'LiveIpdates' is not enabled, when you change a parameter in MDMFX, color of this parameter name changes to red, indicating it is not in sync with MegaDrum and you have to do 'Send' of 'Send All'. With 'LiveUpdates' enabled, whenever you change something in MDMFX it is automatically sent to MegaDrum.
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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby dmitri » Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:12 pm

GetAll/SendAll tells MDMFX to get/send a config from/to MegaDrum. LoadAll/SaveAll tells MDMFX to load/save a config from/to a file on a PC.
LoadFromSlot tells MegaDrum to read a config from a EEPROM slot and then MDMFX gets the config from MegaDrum. SaveToSlot sends a config from MDMFX to MegaDrum and then tells MegaDrum to save the config into a EEPROM slot. When you use LoadFromSlot/SaveToSlot it makes MegaDrum to load a config from the last used EEPROM slot upon powering up.

When you just start with MegaDrum for the first time you really should use GetAl to load the default MegaDrum config to use as a starting point for all configs. Ones you have a config in MDMFX based on the default MegaDrum config you can enable LiveUpdates so that every time you make changes in MDMXF these changes are sent to MegaDrum real time so you don't need to do 'SendAll' after each change.
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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby lrizzo2001 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:49 pm

So when I first turn on MD it doesn't remember the last settings correct?, and do I need to do a GetAll if I really just want to load my saved configuration? can't I simply turn it on and do a Load config?

dmitri wrote:GetAll/SendAll tells MDMFX to get/send a config from/to MegaDrum. LoadAll/SaveAll tells MDMFX to load/save a config from/to a file on a PC.
LoadFromSlot tells MegaDrum to read a config from a EEPROM slot and then MDMFX gets the config from MegaDrum. SaveToSlot sends a config from MDMFX to MegaDrum and then tells MegaDrum to save the config into a EEPROM slot. When you use LoadFromSlot/SaveToSlot it makes MegaDrum to load a config from the last used EEPROM slot upon powering up.

When you just start with MegaDrum for the first time you really should use GetAl to load the default MegaDrum config to use as a starting point for all configs. Ones you have a config in MDMFX based on the default MegaDrum config you can enable LiveUpdates so that every time you make changes in MDMXF these changes are sent to MegaDrum real time so you don't need to do 'SendAll' after each change.
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Re: Sorry, another frustrated newbie with initial setup ques

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:03 pm

If you used SaveToSlot or LoadFromSlot then MegaDrum will use this slot config on power up.
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