Roland 3-zone cymbal and '3rd zone' settings confusion

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Roland 3-zone cymbal and '3rd zone' settings confusion

Postby Axg20202 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:56 am

Hi all,

I've read the posts on setting up a Roland 3-zone cymbal, and I understand that it requires the use of two consecutive inputs, with the Rim/Edge settings of the second input controlling the Edge zone of the cymbal. If that's the case, what the hell is the '3rd zone' settings area used for underneath each input (as shown in MDM FX). Confusing to say the least. Why is there a third zone setting when it is assumed you need to use a second dedicated channel for the third zone of a pad? What do these entries do?

Even more confusing, when I connect a Roland CY15 with a single connection just to run it as a 2-zone pad (e.g. Bow/Edge input on the cymbal), MD 'Head/Bow' settings control the Bow as expected, but the Edge sensor of the cymbal appears to be affected by both the 'Rim/Edge' settings AND the '3rd Zone' settings. It seems the threshold settings etc are controlled by Rim/Edge settings, but the actual note needs to be entered into the '3rd zone' area. I am completely confused by the terminology and implementation. When searching the forum for settings, virtually none mention this '3rd zone' settings area. Please can someone explain?

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Re: Roland 3-zone cymbal and '3rd zone' settings confusion

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:20 am

The 3rd zone setting is for Yamaha style 3 zone cymbals which use only 2 inputs (one stereo jack) and for dual zone piezo/piezo pads. For Roland type 3way cymbals either disable the 3rd zone or set all its Notes equal to the edge notes (as per ).
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Re: Roland 3-zone cymbal and '3rd zone' settings confusion

Postby Axg20202 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:26 am

Thanks Dmitri. In that case, when selecting '3 way Roland' in type, surely it would make sense for the '3rd zone' settings not to appear in MDMFX and/or be automatically disabled? Pretty confusing otherwise as entering values in these fields with '3 way roland' type selected does interfere with other settings. A few hours of my life I wont get back. :)

EDIT: Also, you mention that, as well as Yamaha-type 3-zone, it can be used for dual zone piezo-piezo pads - how does one get a third zone out of these?
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Re: Roland 3-zone cymbal and '3rd zone' settings confusion

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:53 pm

Axg20202 wrote:EDIT: Also, you mention that, as well as Yamaha-type 3-zone, it can be used for dual zone piezo-piezo pads - how does one get a third zone out of these?

On dual piezo/piezo pads the 3rd zone can be used for rim shots (head and rim triggered simultaneously with near equal velocities ) . DualMidPoint and DualMidPointWidth must be adjusted for best detection of rim shots.
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