Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby dmitri » Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:30 pm

I think you mix up two different things: configuring a 3 zone cymbal to produce different notes for different zones and setting up those notes to match sounds in the drum soft synth. To address the first thing:
1. Forget about about your soft synth, just don't run it.
2. Take a screenshot of MDM settings showing how you configured the cymbal with all 3 zones having different Notes.
3. Hit each zone a few times and take a screenshot of MIDI Log in MDM.

To address the second thing you have to sort out the first thing first.
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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby marcusHere » Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:18 am

I've got the bow and bell working now. I'll come back to the choke and edge later. The volume is very low compared to the snare , tome and kick. Do I increase the volume in Addictive Drums or in the Megadrum ?
14" acoustic snare with drumtec realfeel 3-ply mesh head and roland RT-30HR trigger. roland rubber pad toms. Yamaha PCY-13 ride , Roland CY-8 crash and hihat. GoEdrum hihat controller. Roland KD-8 kick pad.
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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby airflamesred » Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:57 am

marcusHere wrote:I've got the bow and bell working now. I'll come back to the choke and edge later. The volume is very low compared to the snare , tome and kick. Do I increase the volume in Addictive Drums or in the Megadrum ?

There is no volume in MD, have a look in the midi log and see how strong the midi velocity is. If it is sending low velocities then drop the high level.

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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby jarosz » Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:31 pm

After hours of tinkering I finally got my PCY-135 triggering accurately (as a hi-hat cymbal). I had a lot of missed bow hits immediately preceded by an edge hit (like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU5_NJfNunQ&t=2260s).

VST Oscilloscope - s(M)exoscope was a big help. It's the only free plugin I could find which can freeze when the signal peak past a certain level to monitor pad hits live. Now i regret not using it earlier. Waveform analysis led me to different MinScan settings for bow (12) and edge (started with 60, but now it's 30), contrary to this tip: https://www.megadrum.info/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3023&p=30778#p30778.

The only issue left is that sometimes I get a false bell zone hit, but I believe I can do nothing about it, because the 3rd zone threshold is already set at 0.
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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby dmitri » Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:37 am

jarosz wrote:A
The only issue left is that sometimes I get a false bell zone hit, but I believe I can do nothing about it, because the 3rd zone threshold is already set at 0.

You may try to set Gain higher keeping 3rd zone threshold at 0. Of course with higher Gain you will need to raise Threshold on the Edge.
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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby jungleb » Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:04 pm

For these types of 3 zone Cymbal, may I use 2 inputs? 1st input Bow, second input edge and bell sharing the same input or shall I use 3 inputs?
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Re: Yamaha PCY-135 ride cymbal settings anyone ?

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:35 pm

Yamaha type 3 zone cymbals need only one stereo jack (two inputs on the same jack).
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