MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby airflamesred » Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:35 am

Set the curve to linear, and with your high level at 355 - take a look at the midi log. Is your drum outputting the correct levels in relation to the hits (i.e. soft hits-low velocity, hard hits-high velocity)

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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby dmitri » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:56 am

First, you can attach screenshots right here in the forum.
hurstaudio1 wrote:Step 2:
while gain=4, threshold=30, auto high checked, me smacking my pad extremely hard, harder than one would or should, high level now=339 (is this where I stop? It is above 300) I now have to hit my pad harder to get a louder sample sound
Fills and rolls are being dropped, forget about buzzrolls for now. I can almost tap my pad and get a soft sample, almost. No self triggering still.

With these settings, disable HighLevel Auto. Then:
1. Disable Rim input.
2. Set Retrigger to 1 on the Head Input.
3. Set both DynLevel and DynTime to 2.

Do you still have rolls being dropped? If so:
1. Take a screenshot of MDM MIDI Log after doing a roll.
2. Take a screenshot of MDM MIDI Log after a free bouncing stick.
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby hurstaudio1 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:28 pm


I set dynlvl 2 and dyntim I cannot set to 2 because it only goes in increments of 4 so I tried 0 and 4, no difference. While the input is set to single piezo and rim/3 zone disabled no soft hits, no dynamic range, still have to smack the pad, can't raise gain because it starts triggering. So here is the snare config as you suggested.

I set the snare to 3 way yamaha, rim/3rd zone disabled and I get rim clicks when I do soft hits, still no dynamic range and the sensativity didn't change.

Again, raising the gain causes auto triggering so this is not an option.

Not sure which midi log screen you want, so I've attached pics of both visual and raw of both stick bounce and rolls. I opened midi log from view menu, clicked clear all bars and performed each task within the window.

stick bounce visual

stick bounce raw

roll visual

roll raw

Hope this helps...await your replies.
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby dmitri » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:46 pm

I thought we are addressing dropped hits during rolls first. I look at the roll MIDI Log (visual) and I see less then 100ms intervals between hits.
Are your rolls faster then 10 hits per second?
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby hurstaudio1 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:24 pm

Yes, that's correct. Albeit I'm not smacking my pad I'm playing at a fairly low velocity. Minimal stick bounce/close to the surface of the silicon pad, And when I do that, as you said it looks like there are few hits, is that correct? Which is why you'd ask me if I'm playing more than 10 strikes per second. Is it possible that md can't pick up these light hits?
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby dmitri » Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:41 am

I'm not sure I understand what we are trying to achieve first. 1) making sure hits are not missed? or 2) registering light hits?
I'm trying to help you to achieve first. This is why I suggested to lower DynTime and DynLevel and Retrigger so that there were almost no double(false) triggering suppression. As a result I see from the visual MIDI Log that it doesn't miss hits and even produces double(false triggering). Can you confirm that with these settings if you hit with medium/hard strength no hits are missed and some hits are even registered multiple times (double triggering)?

Also, I guess your pad is similar to XP120SD so (from Useful posts/links for configuring MegaDrum ) have a look at Settings for Yamaha XP120SD and similar 3 zone pads . Besides steps for configuration and settings with explanation, it also mentions there that you may have to increase the pads signal level by turning its signal level knob (not the control knob) . I guess your pad also have this signal level knob.

And have a look at viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2945
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby hurstaudio1 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:00 pm

I'm sorry for not being clear. I'm trying to get soft hits while also trying to diminish dropped hits. I guess we should take a step back and start with only one thing. I have learn m note, alt note and pressroll note all need to be the same. To answer your question, yes, I do get registered hits at high velocity, it is just lighter hits like the ending of stick bounces don't get registered unless I force the stick down but that's what you call a pressroll.

This is incredibly difficult, I've been messing with this all day. What stumps me is I constantly make a change and I click send to md. I use the main>all settings>send to md option, I constantly do that. Then my USB hub crashes, have to restart mdm and reaper, I load everything back up and nothing was actually sent to the mega drum.

I read through that forum post with Charly but I didn't really get much out of that. I downloaded the settings mds file and imported it and it didn't work one bit, everything from the midi note numbers to everything wasn't even close so that didn't help me at all. I can't use any of angr77's files because they are all addictive drums mappings and again not even the notes are right. The rhh130 has a trigger on the bottom of the cymbal pad which is used for the controller, is this a pot or a foot controller? Does anyone use superior drummer?

What is weird is that I have loaded several mds files, I make changes to them and it is as if all of the values are the same from screen to screen yet I get drastically different results even if all of the values on the screen for the pads are similar. Even after I remove the actual mds file, the name still shows in the list of configs. I can't keep doing this I'm getting no where. I can't see those midi messages in the log as it isn't something I can navigate with the keyboard so it's not much help to me. I'm tired of syncing md and mdm, having my USB ports crash and losing my changes. I guess I could try mega drum commander but then I'd need to buy an iPad. Or maybe I need a powered USB hub.

I'm clearly not doing something right, I probably just need to step away from this.
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby hurstaudio1 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:58 am

Dmitri and folks....

I've had some time to regroup and jam out on guitar for a bit. I just happened across this thread and was wondering if this might be the key to what I'm doing wrong.

So as I described before, I turned mega drum on and plug in all of my pads and while all pads are plugged in, I'm trying to configure each one one by one and they are all screwing up and by default the ride and floor toms are all firing. Here's the excerpt from the thread below. Dmitri, when you say set all inputs to 0 to disable them are you saying to put the master note to 0? This could be why I'm going bald...


Theblackcat » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:43 pm
I've had the same experiences, but, keep it up, and finally you´ll get there! Started setting up one tom until it was working fine, then the rest of the toms, no problem, added the snare, no problem, then I started working on a cymbal, and that suddenly meant that I had rims misfiring all over the place - this kept happening whenever I opened up a new channel on the MD.

I just kept working on it, opening up new channels and solving the new problems this caused, and now, finally, I´m pretty close to where it´s a great and useful tool!!!!

Input is greatly appreciated.
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby dmitri » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:12 pm

1. Latest firmware versions and MDMFX allow to disable an input without changing it's note - there is a dedicated checkbox for this in MDMFX.
2. When you send settings from MDMFX to MegaDrum they are not automatically saved into EEPROM, this is the reason MegaDrum doesn't keep settings after power cycles. To make the settings persistent across power cycles you have to save them into EEPROM (into one of Config Slots). You really need to read through MegaDrum Configuration Documentation at ... figuration - it is all explained there.
3. So I understand that you don't have problem of missed hits, you just miss light hits, right? Did you locate signal output level know on the pad? Did you try to adjust it?
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Re: MD config problems with yamaha dtx pads

Postby hurstaudio1 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 8:53 pm

Hi Dmitri, sorry that was a really dumb question...yes, there is a disable check box next to each thing, I knew that I was really tired last night..been doing this for quite a long time. Yes my primary problem is now
A. I can get a reasonable response from the pad but I get spiking, so for example if I set my curve and I've got the settings the way I like them, I hit my pad in the same spot repeatedly 10 15 times and even though I'm hitting in the same spot I get loud and soft sounds. Not consistent so rolls don't sound natural.
B. Yes, I can do rolls, but I have to put a lot of work into hearing all of the hits. With high level at around 350, gain 0, threshold 22, dynlvl and dyntim at 0 and retrigger at 4 I still can't do soft (ghost) hits, so right now this is my biggest frustration. If I could just get even hits on the entire pad rather than spiking and get softer hits I would be happy. But this is very difficult because I can't lower the threshold or raise the gain. And honestly it seems like I get the best response when the pad is around 200 or so no where near 300 and honestly hitting my pad as hard as I would if I was playing it I get a top end of 156 gain 4, just tested right now. Otherwise I have to really hit my pad hard artificially. I watched your intro video again to mdm, and followed your steps. I disabled all of the inputs, and introduced those settings I mentioned above to the snare pad then clicked send. Are you saying I have to save to md config every parameter I change? I've tried disabling everything even the rims and I still get triggering, I've been combing over the forum and I see a lot of people are having similar issues and they do eventually figure it out, but I don't really know to what extent they're getting it to work, in terms of sensitivity. I know it is different for every pad and yes I know in your video you say the number doesn't really matter I'm just telling you what my numbers are right now. If I raise the threshold until it stops auto triggering, then raise the gain, I'm chasing my tail. I literally don't know what to do. I will post a screen shot of just me doing light hits on the snare and you tell me if you see any output. Does it matter that the snare is set to 3 way yamaha or piezo? Because I always set it to 3 way yamaha since that is what it is and it might as well be set correctly.

Each change I make I do indeed save into slots, slot 1 to be exact.

I've been reading your documentation my friend but the info I've been combing through in the forums seems to be more reflective of my problems which you don't really address in the documentation like a troubleshooting section. To each person's problems you refer them back to your documentation but I'm not having luck. I see people post their configs, but then I read that there's no point in sharing configs because every time someone loads the config into their md, even their own, everything gets screwed up. This one guy couldn't get his config to load, he sent it to you and you said you loaded it just fine because it was messing with his hh settings. Hmmm, similar to my problem now and then so I never really know if saving to md config slot in EEProm is really doing anything. I purchased a powered USB hub last night it should be here soon, that could be part of my problem. I've got superior drummer on an external passport, and 2 midi devices connected to my USB 3.0 unpowered hub and if I mess around with the mdm config while sd is open in reaper things crash. But because i can't see the midi log I need to do it by sound so I need both open at once. I've got a macbook pro 2016

I've been messing around with just the snare xp80 plugged in. There is no other knob on the snare except for one that can be programmed in the yamaha module to turn the pitch up and down or turn the snare sound on and off, but no other knob. I've tried this alright. I know what you're talking about because Alesis pads have a sensativity knob on them which might be what you were asking about. These pads do not have that. I was trying to make changes last night, then the pad just stops giving any feedback so I just got frustrated and went to bed. I'm not making any progress.

I will keep trying. Each time I reset md, I always enable autosave config. But if I can't get these initial steps down, and if every consecutive input I enable throws all prior inputs I configured off this will make things really difficult. I don't want to have to smack my pads just to play drums. Ghost hits do not work. You already saw this from my stick bounce screen shot. First 2 or 3 hits are picked up and as the stick bounces softer down to the head it trails off, meaning, while superior drummer is open, I hear only 2 samples before no more while the stick is still bouncing. I just want to know why. I feel like if I can figure that out I can figure the rest of it out. I even have min scan down to 10. I do get double triggering with retriggering down to 1 or 0 so I have that set at 4. By double triggering, I mean when I hit the pad I can tell it is triggering twice. Not false triggering which means it triggers falsely on it's own as if someone was hitting it.
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