Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note missing

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Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note missing

Postby TeroVesterinen » Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:59 pm

Hello. Would anybody have any idea how to resolve this problem? When I'm hitting for example snare and floortom pads at the simultaneously most of the time one of them doesn't give midi note (hit). Separately played all pads respond very nice. I've tried reducing x-talk levels (now at 1-3 depending on input) and dyn level/decay are at 0. Any suggestion what to try next? I have STM32F205RCT6 with latest firmware updated. Pads are Yamaha TP65, snare is build by myself and kick is KP65. I haven't connected any cymbals yet, trying to configure pads and kick first.

Another thing is (maybe related) that in Superior Drummer 3, which I'm using, I get two midi notes (same value) from every hit while Megadrum console shows only one note going out. I'm bit confused so any help would be great.

Thanks for the great forum and excellent console!

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Re: Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note mis

Postby airflamesred » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:12 pm

I'm guessing at you having set the single zone pads to dual-zone?
On the second point, Off the top of my head its along the lines of disabling midi thru in options.

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Re: Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note mis

Postby ignotus » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:01 am

For the first problem make sure the pads are not in the same crosstalk group, and I think the second might be caused because superior drummer is receiving MIDI input from Megadrum's two MIDI outputs. You need to make it just listen to one.
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Re: Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note mis

Postby TeroVesterinen » Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:11 pm

Thank you for the advice! I'll look into these as soon as possible. I'm connected thru usb at the moment, I'll try midi instead with configurations you suggested.

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Re: Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note mis

Postby dmitri » Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:39 pm

If you connect MegaDrum to a PC via both USB and MIDI then Superior Drummer 3 will start to pick up MegaDrum MIDI signals from 3 ports - two USB MIDI MegaDrum ports and the standard MIDI. You need to configure Superior Drummer 3 to listen on only one of these ports.
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Re: Hitting two pads simultaneously leaves one midi note mis

Postby TeroVesterinen » Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:51 pm

Thank you for the tips, I've got things working pretty good now. X-talk was probably the reason for missing hits and now I have Superior recieving only one signal! Next I'll have to configure pcy135 cymbals for ride and hihat and then I'm pretty much done. Probably have to adjust all sorts of treshold etc before everything is in balance, but main thing is that my system is working! Excellent, thank you again for all the advice!

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