roland fd8 hihat controller settings

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roland fd8 hihat controller settings

Postby lasot » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:06 am

hi guys. I read a lot of stuff about setting up an fd8 hihat. I've downloaded all the settings included on forum. nothing works fine. I,m an owner of brand new mdm 56 inputs from Dimitri.
problem is the level of open and closed hihat is between 4-47 and the mdm shows that. secondly, all the changes like open,semiopen,half open works only when I press this pedal really close to the 'close' position. there is maybe 2-4 milimeters of movement, and suddenly is open (maybe 4 cm reserved for 'open' sound only).
I was wondering about a level. when I changed a cable for 2m long (before was 3) and thiner , the level incrased to 3-55 maybe. something close to that. it is never fixed.
pedal works fine with my octapad. there are actually 3 positions only. close, semi close, open but really semi close position is almost in the middle of foot pedal position and it is much easier to play and actually use and enjoy the playing hihat at all.
any experiances? ideas? I read about some soldered resistors or something like that but it is a little bit to much form me. I don't really understand that. besides, this is newest model,of mdm with hihat switch on the front panel. I tried all the possibilities with this switch and 'altIn' in software. Switch set in up position and altIn set tl 'no' works with fd-8 ONLY.
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Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:02 pm

Re: roland fd8 hihat controller settings

Postby dmitri » Fri Sep 21, 2018 3:01 pm

Post the screenshots of your pedal settings.
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