Megadrum Manager FX problem

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Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby Scaradrummer » Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:55 pm

Hi! I bought Megadrum Full Kit 56 input already assembled from Dmitri. I just soldered the input jacks and put all the components into a box. I'm using USB to send midi notes to the computer.
I want to use MDM FX to configure Megadrum, because it's a little easier than navigating the module's menu, but I get SysEx error. I've already selected the apropriate MIDI inputs in Main, and in the beggining I get SysEx ok, but after a little while, when SENDING or GETING settings, I get SysEx error and I can't do anything anymore. I have to close MDM FX, turn off my module, start the MDM FX again, and only then turn on my module. Then, MDM FX can 'see' my Megadrum again and I can adjust settings, for a while, until the problem happens again.
Can anybody help me?
I'm using Windows 10, megadrum built by Dmitri, firmware version 20181218 and MDM FX version 20181028
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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby airflamesred » Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:05 am

What have you set the midi ports to?

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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby Scaradrummer » Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:21 am

I'm sorry. It was a faulty usb cable. Problem solved now. Thanks
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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby ErikM » Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:52 am

airflamesred wrote:What have you set the midi ports to?

My USB cable is OK, but I am having similar MD Manager FX issues.

I think I have tried every combo of MIDI arrangement to no avail. Although I do have sound, I do not have the "green boxes" in this video( ... crpT1jfeS0)...probably one of the most important steps in being able to do anything with FX, but the vid doesn't show a how-to on getting them green (perhaps because his works right away). If I/you/we figure out my issue it might be in this thread and/or I will post a follow up video so others don't struggle.

To elaborate, I do get sounds through the MegaDrum module (32 input build by Dimitri, firmware 20181218, a beautiful clean and simple/elegant metal box I might add). However, I do not see the " the Atmega's crystal frequency, e.g. "20110417 20MHz" that is supposed to show on the LCDs second menu screen, and as you can see in my MD M FX screenshot, there are ?????? marks that can't be good.

So I am hearing sounds on most of the 17 inputs (not all of them yet), regardless of how I arrange the MIDI ins and outs, but FX is red and has ????? marks. I can see the triggers lighting up MIDI notes in Ableton Live (Note #s in the 29-63 range, perhaps more when I get the others figured out). Most of them appear to have similar note/# mapping to Roland, but not all them.

I attached images of what I see. In addition to those images:

1. mdf doesn't seem to run, but I'm not sure if I need to anyway. I see a black window for 1 second and it disappears. assuming I have the latest mdf download/file.php?id=2563
2. It looks like the firmware is 20181218 according to the LCD display.
3. I'm not sure I needed to update the firmware given that I see it on the screen and there is some functionality, but when I tried to load firmware in FX (selecting the same firmware as listed on lcd ( STM32d...) I get "upgrade is in progress, but nothing happens until eventually "md not responding" is displayed. I can share those photos too if you like.
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Hopefully some MegaDrum vids to follow.

MegaDrum 32 (ARM STM32F205RTC6, FW 20200331), Ableton Live Suite 10 w/ no drum VST, Roland and Trigerra Intrigg acoustic conversion Frankenstein set
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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby airflamesred » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:52 am

So from the midi angle, how do you have this wired?

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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby ErikM » Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:28 am

airflamesred wrote:So from the midi angle, how do you have this wired?

issue with my AudioBox VSL, or me really, but green means go

not sure what the remaining red is at this point

excited to move ahead
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Hopefully some MegaDrum vids to follow.

MegaDrum 32 (ARM STM32F205RTC6, FW 20200331), Ableton Live Suite 10 w/ no drum VST, Roland and Trigerra Intrigg acoustic conversion Frankenstein set
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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby airflamesred » Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:04 am

ErikM wrote:excited to move ahead

We're all excited for you, now 'send all' and all the fonts should change to black.

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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby klaszlo » Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:24 pm

I tryed to connect my MegaDrum full kit to my PC through MIDI with my BEHRINGER UPHORIA UMC 1820 midi interface. It works fine, I can play on the set, it communicates with the Addictive Drums software.
The problem is that I cant connect to the MegaDrum with the MDM FX. It only works if I connecting the MD directly to the PC by USB.
I added some pictures.
Have anybody has any idea why it not works through MIDI?
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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby airflamesred » Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:14 am

Just use the USB from MD to PC and audio from PC to BEHRINGER. My experience of BEHRINGER was unworkable latency.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: Megadrum Manager FX problem

Postby dmitri » Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:48 am

If you use standard MIDI in MDMFX you must make sure no other software is using this MIDI port at the same time.
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