Pass through Midi from MegaDrum Manager FX to VST Host

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Pass through Midi from MegaDrum Manager FX to VST Host

Postby dsteinschneider » Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:39 pm

My USB audio interface doesn't have 5 pin DIN MIDI input or output - it's USB only.

When MegaDrum Manager FX is running my VST host, Cantabile, doesn't see the MegaDrum. I'm trying to figure out how to run both at the same time so I can listen while I tweak parameters.

Is there a way to pass through the MIDI while MegaDrum Manager FX is running into a VST host with just the USB connected? I've tried different settings in Options but never get pass through.

I have an MidiSport 2x2 somewhere in my spare parts collection. If I hook that up and pass through to MIDI2 out will that work? Is that the only way to accomplish this?
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Re: Pass through Midi from MegaDrum Manager FX to VST Host

Postby dmitri » Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:39 pm

MegaDrum presents two sets of MIDI ports over USB - use the first set for VST only and the second set for MDMFX.
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Re: Pass through Midi from MegaDrum Manager FX to VST Host

Postby dsteinschneider » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:43 pm

Thanks Dmitri - for some reason I thought MIDIIN2 was for the DIN MIDI connectors.

I chose:

I did not check Enable MIDI Thru

So far I wasn't at the point of tweaking that I needed to listen while tweaking in MegaDrum Manager FX, it was more just getting everything working. I'm now adjusting so hits in SD2 evenly get louder as I increase drumstick velocity so it helps to have both running.
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Joined: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:49 am

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