Can`t make my Megadrum work

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Can`t make my Megadrum work

Postby trangtrainam » Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:34 am


Been struggling a lot with my megadrum, actually never made it work.

First of all I had Dmitri build me a 56 input version. Im running a Mac pro 1.1 flashed to a 1.2 running osx 10.9.5. I`m running 2 x 3Ghz Quad core processors, 32GB ram and a 500GB SSD hard drive.
My kit is a converted acoustic kit with eBridge triggers from UFODrums build into them. All toms and snare are dual piezo setup and they`re all set up with 27mm piezos for the head trigger and 35mm for the rim. All drums are set up with Jobeky tri-ply mesh heads. For cymbals I`ve got Yamaha PCY-135 for crashes and Yamaha PCY-155 for ride, for HiHat I`ve got the Roland VH-11. Firmware in the Megadrum is 20170413 and the Megadrum manager is the 20170416.

I plug the megadrum into a usb port on my mac, power up my mac and then the megadrum. I start up Megadrum manager.

I plug the cable that came with my PCY-155 into the yamaha cymbal on one end and into (from the left, top row fourth input) the Megadrum. The VU`s on the Megadrum tells me that signal in flowing from the cymbal and into the Megadrum. I set the input in Megadrum manager to usb midi port 1. I push the Open MIDI button and midi starts flowing into the Megadrum manager.
I then go to the pads setting and set the input for 6 Ride B/7Ride E (I assume that works so that the inputs I can choose from lines up with the inputs on the back of the Megadrum - 1 Kick = first input from top left on the back of the Megadrum, 2 HiHat B/HiHat E = second input from top left and so forth!?) At this point, when I remove the cable from the input in the Megadrum the flow of midi into Megadrum manager stops.

I then start copying all the settings to the rest of the tracks - Note disbld, threshold 0 though and type - Dual or 3way Yamaha.
I then do a "send all”
The visual midi changes colour from yellow to green.
I the set Note on the Head/Bow to 8 = G#-1, Note on Rim/Edge to 10 = A#-1 and Note on 3rd Zone to12 = C0 (The flow of midi changes colour to green and blue. I then start adjusting threshold on Head Bow until the blue notes on the midi log disappear.
I then try and do the same for Rim/edge, but even though I end up with threshold 127 the green notes still keep flowing in the midi log.
I therefor set Rim/Edge threshold back to 0 and try and adjust the 3rd Zone threshold - the threshold can`t directly be adjusted, but I can see that the values change when I adjust the Midpoint slider - nothing changes regarding the flow of the green midi notes in Midi Log though.

Oki, now I had a couple days off from the Megadrum, and now the threshold situation is working! Sort of??
Threshold Head/Bow set for 28 and Threshold on the Rim/Edge is set for 20.
Now there`s 3 problems!
There`s still flowing midi into Megadrum, and looking at Raw Midi it`s C -1 which I haven`t set anything up for.
The megadrum don`t register any hits on the cymbal no matter what the threshold value is.
And even though I disconnect the cable for the cymbal, midi just keeps flowing…. This isn’t the case when I start up the Megadrum, but as soon as I do a “send all” from Megadrum manager the megadrum keeps sending wether or not there`s something connected to the device…..??
Sincerely hope that there`s someone out there who can help me out!!!

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Re: Can`t make my Megadrum work

Postby dmitri » Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:10 pm

Can we do one thing at a time please?
Setup PCY-155 in one input, post screenshot of settings and describe the problem with these settings.
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Re: Can`t make my Megadrum work

Postby Rovalo » Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:30 pm

and on MD display you can see exactly which input number registers trigger signals, this should match with the input pair of the PCY-155 only.

trangtrainam wrote:… I then start copying all the settings to the rest of the tracks - Note disbld, threshold 0 though…
What do you mean bij tracks? Other inputs?
With inputs having threshold 0 maybe you see signal activity that is noise resulting in midi notes. Disable this/these inputs or increase threshold to 20 if you to not use them.

You use old versions of MDMFX and MD firmware. I advise to use the latest versions to benefit from noise filtering and the possibility to really disable an input without changing the midi note.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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