Bzuk wrote:ignotus wrote:What kind of kick drum is it? Raise MinScan to 40, leave retrigger at around 8 and raise DynTime and DynLevel. If you raise these too much with snares or toms you start to miss hits with fast rolls but with the kick that's not an issue, unless you can play double bass at 2000 bpm

Its just a piezo that sticks to the head with double sided tape, cant remember what brand
That sounds like it'll pick up loads of superfluous vibrations. I forgot to say, but you could also try ticking the 'ExtraFalseSu...' box. Also, don't forget to untick the 'Highlevels Auto' box.
To set up a dual piezo pad, set 'type' in the head/bow zone to 'Dual or 3-way Yamaha' and in the Rim/Edge zone to 'piezo'. Disable the head zone and for the rim repeat the process I described earlier. Enable the head zone. Now, down in '3rd Zone', move the 'Midpoint' bar and leave it in a position where you get good separation between the head and rim - it's a matter of trial and error. If you want to enable rimshots, set the note for that articulation, and tweak 'MidpointWidth' to set how easily rimshots get triggered. Rimshots are achieved the same as with a real snare, by hitting the head and rim simultaneously. If you set it to trigger rimshots too easily (I think that's with a higher number), you'll find that hits on the head near the rim will trigger them, so it's a matter of finding the sweet spot.
Do you have a hi hat pedal plugged in? looking at the notes, those grey and orange bars could be from having nothing plugged in there. In any event, set 'inputs' at the top left to the number of inputs you're going to use (each input jack has 2 + kick) and disable all the inputs you haven't configured yet, to get rid of any possible unwanted noise from unconfigured pads.
Finally, if they're mesh pads, I'd set minscan to at least 30 or even 40.
If it ain't broken... fix it until it is.