Beginners Confusion

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Beginners Confusion

Postby Bzuk » Sat May 02, 2020 6:41 pm

ignotus wrote:What kind of kick drum is it? Raise MinScan to 40, leave retrigger at around 8 and raise DynTime and DynLevel. If you raise these too much with snares or toms you start to miss hits with fast rolls but with the kick that's not an issue, unless you can play double bass at 2000 bpm :)

after maxing out the dynlevel and dyntime it still double triggers however strangely, when I hit it harder there is a very small hit before the large hit. But when playing softer the small hit is after the large hit
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Re: Beginners Confusion

Postby Bzuk » Sat May 02, 2020 7:01 pm

Bzuk wrote:
ignotus wrote:What kind of kick drum is it? Raise MinScan to 40, leave retrigger at around 8 and raise DynTime and DynLevel. If you raise these too much with snares or toms you start to miss hits with fast rolls but with the kick that's not an issue, unless you can play double bass at 2000 bpm :)

after maxing out the dynlevel and dyntime it still double triggers however strangely, when I hit it harder there is a very small hit before the large hit. But when playing softer the small hit is after the large hit
this seems to be working better, I took all the pillow out the bass drum and recorded them so the front one was completely touching all the head and before it was only touching the bottom half as this worked better on my dm 10 as well as tightening the head by half a turn. Turned threshold up and retrigger to 12, however now I think sometimes I can hit it hard and a soft note will come out like 1/20 hits. Needs more testing though so moving onto my snare drum which I have setup and disabled the rim and the head is working perfectly however after re enabling the rim I cant get it to trigger what its doing it completely random. Sometimes it triggers when hitting the head and I can hit the rim really hard and sometimes it wont even trigger. Do you have a guide on 2 zone pads? Its a 14inch 10lug snare with a arm from each lug. Like the drum tech design

also im not sure what all the orange and greyed out notes are they seem to appear after I stop playing for a bit but they aren't producing and sound I addictive drums
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Re: Beginners Confusion

Postby ignotus » Sat May 02, 2020 9:26 pm

Bzuk wrote:
ignotus wrote:What kind of kick drum is it? Raise MinScan to 40, leave retrigger at around 8 and raise DynTime and DynLevel. If you raise these too much with snares or toms you start to miss hits with fast rolls but with the kick that's not an issue, unless you can play double bass at 2000 bpm :)

Its just a piezo that sticks to the head with double sided tape, cant remember what brand

That sounds like it'll pick up loads of superfluous vibrations. I forgot to say, but you could also try ticking the 'ExtraFalseSu...' box. Also, don't forget to untick the 'Highlevels Auto' box.

To set up a dual piezo pad, set 'type' in the head/bow zone to 'Dual or 3-way Yamaha' and in the Rim/Edge zone to 'piezo'. Disable the head zone and for the rim repeat the process I described earlier. Enable the head zone. Now, down in '3rd Zone', move the 'Midpoint' bar and leave it in a position where you get good separation between the head and rim - it's a matter of trial and error. If you want to enable rimshots, set the note for that articulation, and tweak 'MidpointWidth' to set how easily rimshots get triggered. Rimshots are achieved the same as with a real snare, by hitting the head and rim simultaneously. If you set it to trigger rimshots too easily (I think that's with a higher number), you'll find that hits on the head near the rim will trigger them, so it's a matter of finding the sweet spot.

Do you have a hi hat pedal plugged in? looking at the notes, those grey and orange bars could be from having nothing plugged in there. In any event, set 'inputs' at the top left to the number of inputs you're going to use (each input jack has 2 + kick) and disable all the inputs you haven't configured yet, to get rid of any possible unwanted noise from unconfigured pads.

Finally, if they're mesh pads, I'd set minscan to at least 30 or even 40.
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Re: Beginners Confusion

Postby Bzuk » Sun May 03, 2020 12:12 pm

ignotus wrote:
Bzuk wrote:
ignotus wrote:What kind of kick drum is it? Raise MinScan to 40, leave retrigger at around 8 and raise DynTime and DynLevel. If you raise these too much with snares or toms you start to miss hits with fast rolls but with the kick that's not an issue, unless you can play double bass at 2000 bpm :)

Its just a piezo that sticks to the head with double sided tape, cant remember what brand

That sounds like it'll pick up loads of superfluous vibrations. I forgot to say, but you could also try ticking the 'ExtraFalseSu...' box. Also, don't forget to untick the 'Highlevels Auto' box.

To set up a dual piezo pad, set 'type' in the head/bow zone to 'Dual or 3-way Yamaha' and in the Rim/Edge zone to 'piezo'. Disable the head zone and for the rim repeat the process I described earlier. Enable the head zone. Now, down in '3rd Zone', move the 'Midpoint' bar and leave it in a position where you get good separation between the head and rim - it's a matter of trial and error. If you want to enable rimshots, set the note for that articulation, and tweak 'MidpointWidth' to set how easily rimshots get triggered. Rimshots are achieved the same as with a real snare, by hitting the head and rim simultaneously. If you set it to trigger rimshots too easily (I think that's with a higher number), you'll find that hits on the head near the rim will trigger them, so it's a matter of finding the sweet spot.

Do you have a hi hat pedal plugged in? looking at the notes, those grey and orange bars could be from having nothing plugged in there. In any event, set 'inputs' at the top left to the number of inputs you're going to use (each input jack has 2 + kick) and disable all the inputs you haven't configured yet, to get rid of any possible unwanted noise from unconfigured pads.

Finally, if they're mesh pads, I'd set minscan to at least 30 or even 40.

Yeah I have my vh11 plugged in and from what I can tell its gonna be a pain so I have left it for now. I found a post where a user said there pedal doesnt work at all in high impedance mode and alt input on (the setting your supposed to have for the vh11 apparently) yet mine starts to work with low impedance mode and alt in off with a low of 2 and a high of 46 giving me not a good range. But with high impedance mode and alt input on I get a low of 2 and a high of 11 giving me an even worse range.

Furthermore following your instructions on how to setup a 2 zone pad, on my snare I am unable to get the rim to trigger really at all once the snare head is enabled.
Last edited by Bzuk on Sun May 03, 2020 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Beginners Confusion

Postby dmitri » Sun May 03, 2020 1:01 pm

ignotus wrote:That sounds like it'll pick up loads of superfluous vibrations. I forgot to say, but you could also try ticking the 'ExtraFalseSu...' box.

I'd suggest you to try this. This is a new feature introduced in the March firmware.
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Re: Beginners Confusion

Postby Kabonfaiba » Tue May 05, 2020 12:48 am

The new ExtraFalseSupression feature is really good actually!
In particular, it really cleans up the multiple bow triggers when you lightly crash a CY-14C or CY-15R.

I'm torn using the feature with the ride however, as it does sacrifice a bit too much sensitivity on the bow, triplets aren't captured. So keeping ExtraFalseSu on for my D14 and CY-14C, but kept a strong DynLevel of 12 / 24 on the ride since I just don't crash the ride that often to make use of the feature.
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