dmitri wrote:Make sure no other MIDI apps are running at the time of the firmware update. Many MIDI apps by default open all available MIDI ports and it will interfere with the firmware upgrade.
ibanman555 wrote:Hopefully it was a fluke. I've had to try a few times before, but I would recommend connecting to Manager first, and select Get All. This will sync Manager with MegaDrum to and the text should be black, not blue like on your screenshot. If Manager is synced, and you have green lights in Manager, you should be able to update the firmware....
dmitri wrote:1. It is likely you have "AutoLoad Conf" enabled and the old config is not compatible with the new firmware causing it to misbehave. If this is the case, as per ... -and-hints , start with a default config by powering up MegaDrum while holding the button RIGHT pressed.
2. If it desn't resolve the problem then the firmware possibly was corrupted during the upgrade. In that case reload the firmware following the steps from viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1252#p14779 exactly.
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