MegaDrum USB to Laptop or MegaDrum MIDI to audio interface ?

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MegaDrum USB to Laptop or MegaDrum MIDI to audio interface ?

Postby Metalal5150 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:13 pm

Hi the smart ones out there !

Right .
The big question is . . .
What is the difference in latecy or attack time between the two connections. Is the MegaDrum happy being fed through MIDI over USB or is it better
to connect it through the actual MIDI cables on the audio interface unit?

Is there any advantage - disadvantage in any of the connections?

What i am looking for is just fast response and dynamics.

what do you guys think and what is your experience with both methods ?

Thanks very much in advance !


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Re: MegaDrum USB to Laptop or MegaDrum MIDI to audio interfa

Postby airflamesred » Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:34 pm

I think USB makes more sense.
As far as latency is concerned I would look at the audio section of the chain.

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