Two days now and no luck at all....

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Two days now and no luck at all....

Postby Metalal5150 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 8:14 pm

Hi to ALL !

I am loving this unit but i am giving up slowly ....
Since day one i did update the firmware and plugged the unit into the Laptop via USB as suggested by one of the users here.
Ant that's it .
The MD screen is shownig that the MIDI Log is capturing the notes rom different pads and also the Red LED is flashing so i can see taht the MD unit is working properly i guess anyway...
But when connected to the computer i cant get the software to see and communicate with the MD module.
I have Cubase and Reaper and both selected preferences are MEgaDrum MIDI but when i run EZ DRummer as a VST on the top i cant get no midi activity nor i can tell whats going on.
I have spend past 48 hours and slept for 5 :) LOL and i cant do nothing .
My back is fucked and my brain hurts plus my eyes are red and closing .....
Is there like a Learning feature for MIDI configuration ? So lets say i hit the note and then select what instrument i want to hear when hitting the note ?
Or something like scanning all possible chanels and then i can manualy select KICK to chanel 1 ,SNARE to chanel 2 TOM 1 to chanel 3 ETC ETC ?
What am idonig wrong guys ?
I really want to love this unit but i am slowly giving up........ :roll:
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Re: Two days now and no luck at all....

Postby airflamesred » Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:19 am

Are you using MDMfx?

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Re: Two days now and no luck at all....

Postby Metalal5150 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:36 am

Mega Drum Manager FX editing software is what you mean ?
Yes it is plugged in but every time I connect I get the error that I need to
Activate the usb Midi first and then it seems to be communicating with the unit.
So far I have noticed that when I go to View tab and select Midi log- show , them
I can see that every hit on the pad is actually being recorded on the midi
Log in MDMFX. The funny thing is that sometimes it is showing yellow lines
as they are unknown ? And sometimes it is showing green lines as the hit is
recognised as head hit trigger. But even when I hit / activate/ trigger different pads
It all shows as green thinking that this is all from a single pad.
I don't know. I am starting to think that maybe my MD is actually broken.
I have no way to test it an any way other that what I have already tried
with it.
I don't know what to think about this unit. I want to love it but with no manual
and no midi maps it seems like in fact this isn't such a great unit.
I mean if this is being made for so many years then why didn't the creator
ever made a simple manual for it with some popular software maps for it ?
That is strange.
Still trying to get it to work guys. Will keep you posted.
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Re: Two days now and no luck at all....

Postby Metalal5150 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:44 am

Airflamesred - yous status shows that you're in Hammersmith!!
Are you planning on visiting South Wales? Swansea perhaps? :)

Let me know if you do !! I'll come and pick you up and we can have a beer
Or two and you can show me how to set this bloody thing up !!

Or is anyone living in Swansea in Wales?

Let me know guys !! I am going ape shit crazy here with this think and I seem
to be getting nowhere! :evil:
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Re: Two days now and no luck at all....

Postby airflamesred » Sat Jul 08, 2023 4:51 pm

Unfortunately not my friend, Dmitri is nearer you, but I'll let you know. Stayed in Betws-y-Coed in about 1979, lovely place where I overdosed on Kendall mint cake.
I honestly haven't touched my MD for about 5 years, essentially because the stuff I do is easier just to work with a keyboard.
Don't get too disheartened you're probably not far off with running EZ within cubase ... YWRydW0%3D

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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Location: Hammersmith

Re: Two days now and no luck at all....

Postby Metalal5150 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 8:03 pm

I've spent 22 years in London town and I had enough of it:)
Been coming to Wales for Holidays in years and finally decided to move down here.

Thanks very much for the video . I can tell you to star with that this chap has no errors on his editor.
I for some reason have red box with two question marks displayed every time I use the MDM FX
Even when it is actually connected it still shows the red box on the top.
I am gonna have to send this thing back to Dimitri I think and get him to check it out as
I think there is a fault there somewhere along the lines.
I don't wanna give up so soon but I did plug my Roland TD8 and Yamaha dtx to the kit and both units are working
perfect so I have a funny feeling that my MD unit is broken or something.
Again I don't know. No instructions no manual no information available on how to step by step
configure this thing.
Thanks very much again

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Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2023 4:04 pm

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