MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

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MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby Metalal5150 » Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:55 am

Hi there all.
After 5 or 6 days of trying I have finally managed to hook the MD to the laptop.
Unfortunately the unit is not working correctly.
When I plug my Yamaha or Roland units the drums are
working immediately and super accurately without any flaws.
Both Yamaha and Roland sends perfect signals to the EZDrummer.
That means that every hit and every trigger is super dynamic and super sensitive and it represents correct velocity of my playing. I can play soft notes and I can gradually increase the velocity by playing more dynamic up to the top level of velocity that gives 100% hit . Same goes for cymbals and hi hat.
Also both units perfectly send every single touch and hit that is triggered even playing something like tremolo with both hands on snare the Yamaha and Roland are capable of catching evey super fast hit /trigger.
NOW- with the MD unit connected there is just mess. . . Unit doesn't recognise the velocity and dynamics at all and there is huge delay from the hit to actually triggering the note.
Also unit is only sending random notes even when playing slow .
Say if I play 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 on the snare the unit will only play .2,3,,,3,, . . . Absolutely useless...
I also have watched some videos on YouTube and my MDMFX is showing little red box with two question (??) marks inside it . It's on the top of the screen so that's another thing I don't understand.
Perhaps it's trying to tell me that it's knackered but again no way of finding out.
Also when I hit the snare the velocity seems totally random. There is no low notes whatsoever.
Unit only randomly sending some mid hit notes and anything like playing soft or hard is totally impossible.
I think i will wait for the big boss to come back from holiday and try to contact him and give this last final shot but for now I am back to Yamaha and Roland.
MegaDrum sounded like a great alternative for my needs but it doesn't seem to work.
Thank you guys for your support and suggestions. Without people on this forum there is no way of learning how to use this unit. So again thank you all for your support and help.
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby ignotus » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:49 pm

Have you configured the module's settings? Default settings aren't going to work well at all - it's nowhere near a plug 'n play module as it's made to cover such a wide variety of pads. The big delay after hits sounds like an audio buffer issue.

I've attached some pad setup instructions I wrote ages ago for a kind of wiki someone wanted to publish but never materialised. It might differ from how other people do it but it's what works for me.
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby Metalal5150 » Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:34 pm

Hi ta all.
Thank you very much Ignotus.
I will have a look at those settings and let you know.
And it's not the buffer in this case. It's the MD module itself that is lagging the hits and MDMFX midi log as well.
Basically not only it is missing half of the triggered pads but the velocity is all over the shop.
I need to get this right before I can even dream about playing an actual sound through the interface

Then yes if there is lag between the recorded-triggered note and the audio output from the interface then I will be messing around with the buffer settings. But for now first things first.
I'll have a look at your files and continue my battle with this unit :)

I want to love the MD ....but MD hates me.....
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby Metalal5150 » Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:29 pm

I am going fucking crazy here........
My mental status is getting really bad .......
I have followed the instructions of pad settings but nothing seems to be affecting the MD .... Or the pads ..... Only my brain is slowly cooking ......
Right ......
I need to learn the basics here gentleman.....
What is the SEND , and SEND ALL and GET and all those little tabs here in MDMFX ?
Do i actually need to use those ?
I need to learn the meaning of all those tabs.
Get All ,Send All , Load From Slot , Save To Slot ,Load All, Save All ,Config 1 -up to 32 , little red window with 2 question marks (??)
prevCfg tab ,nextCfg tab .
I am use to Plug and Play devices and honestly this unit is making me cray. . . i am not giving up . i fucking will learn how to set it up but i will probably need some help or training.
Is anyone up for a Skype Chat or Whatssup so we can actually talk and you can teach me how to configure this thing ?
I love new challenges and i love learning new shit but this is already took last 10 -12 days from my life and i have not progressed at all . . .
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby ignotus » Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:11 am

Yeah, MDMFX has its learning curve too...

If you see the trigger parameters in blue, that means the settings are not synced with the module. Don't worry about the question marks in red, ignore them for now.

- "Get" retrieves the settings from that column from the module. "Get all" retrieves all pad settings. "Send" and "Send all" sends settings from MDMFX to the module. If you use those buttons at the top left, it does it with ALL settings (global, hi hat, pads, etc.). If you enable "Live updates", settings changed in MDMFX will be sent automatically to the module without having to use "Send" or "Send all". After a "Send", the parameters should change to black.

- You can save quite a few different trigger settings presets, in what are called "Slots". I (and I suppose most people) only use one. In the module, scroll right with the left encoder, and set "AutoloadConf" to "Yes" with the up/down buttons or the right encoder. To save settings edited in MDMFX in the module, click on "Save to slot" at the top right, and choose "1" in the dropdown menu. Now when you boot the module, it will load your settings preset.

- You can save snapshots of settings to .mds files with All settings > Save to file. The "prevCfg" and "NextCfg" tabs are for switching between those config files. This is useful when experimenting with settings and you want to keep backup copies of configs to go back to just in case. It's also essential to save a backup of settings when updating the firmware.

Just keep in mind that when booting the module and MDMFX, do a "Get all" first to retrieve the module's settings (important), and then when editing settings in MDMFX, remember to "Save to slot" once in a while.

Hope this can help you get going. Don't despair!
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby Metalal5150 » Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:51 pm



I was doing everything wrong dude....... I didn't have a clue about all the things you've mentioned in the last post....

Thank you ever so much !
Back to the drawing table !
I shall keep you all posted if i see any progress !

I want to love MD ....But MD hates me ......
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby Ilraga » Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:31 pm

ignotus wrote:Have you configured the module's settings? Default settings aren't going to work well at all - it's nowhere near a plug 'n play module as it's made to cover such a wide variety of pads. The big delay after hits sounds like an audio buffer issue.

I've attached some pad setup instructions I wrote ages ago for a kind of wiki someone wanted to publish but never materialised. It might differ from how other people do it but it's what works for me.

Man, this setup procedure is OUTSTANDING!!!!! I'm now using it for all my pad/cymbal and my set has taken that giant step forward about sensitivity and dynamics, that I was looking for

IMHO this should be clearly highlighted in the MEGADRUM website

Really thank you very much, Ignotus!
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Re: MD Skipping notes and velocity. . . But why ?

Postby ignotus » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:02 am

Glad you found it useful!
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