Shielding is important to avoid overspill.
Fabodrum, you can build the AllInOne v2.5 PCB :
so theresynthex wrote:Note : The double layer design v2.7 is better than this one !
Garage Drummer wrote:To syntex/dmitri:
On the world map with sales apparently Belgium is not yet I might be the first customer...
Just a few questions about the different add-on modules:
- usb interface: can this be used to reprogram the module later on? Or is a special cable always needed?
- LCD display and buttons: can the box also be configured/tuned without it by using the PC?
- latency: with what kind of connection there is no (or the least possible) latency? This question because I tried once to connect my td-6V to trigger BFD but the latency I had was to long for being usefull.
mr.xiro wrote:74HC4851 may change with other components? I am in Viet Nam, not found 74HC4851 and MAX4558, you have no delivery VN?
Synthex wrote:For information, there is still some kit for sale.
nunux59 wrote:Hello,
I'm very interrested by buying the kit but I have some questions :
- is it possible use MegaDrum under Linux using LinuxSampler or Hydrogen?
- is it possible to control MegaDrum levels using Linux?
- do you think it's possible to mount the electronic on this kind of testing kit : ... 949_216848
Thank you by advance and thank you for your job !
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