Programming the ICs

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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby japi » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:33 am

In my case, I programmed first the 18F2550 and later the Atmega, one at a time, with both in their respective sockets. To program the USB I used winpic800 and for the Atmega used Ponyprog.

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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby gastric » Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:42 pm


I see other users posting issues programing the PIC with WinPIC as well. I have the same issue some others have posted - in Messages you see what would seem to be a critical error "couldn't find 'devices\', please borrow/copy from MPLAB!" then it programs, verfies, and has a ton of errors reported. I was going to try WinPIC800 but I saw no instructions on how to use that specific program and it has more options than WinPIC. Do you have details on which options to specifically set to program using WinPIC800?

Anyway, after exploring with WinPIC a bit more it seemed like it could erase the PIC, and it could verify it's not blank, but would continually report errors programming it. Finally I came across some post that suggesting setting an Interface option "slow mode" which I did and then the programming finally "programming finished, no errors" However, it's not found as a USB device when plugged into any computers.

I'm going to try the Atmega to see how I fare with that as it seems reported that it's much, much easier to program.
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby japi » Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:54 pm

I'm afraid I cannot give you details on winpic800 as I don't remember and I'm at work right now, if you want I can check it out today when i get home, but I remember it was fairly straightforward programming it with winpic800.

As for the atmega, the programming succeded when we specified the chip model (ATMEGA32), as the auto detect feature didn't seem to work.. also the option that worked flawlessly was "program all", other options as "program flash" and "program data" didn't work well.
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby gastric » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:07 pm

OK, I thought I'd try the Atmega programming but once again there's no clear documentation.

* I've installed all ICs, including my ATmega32-16PU
* I have not successfully programmed the PIC, but it's installed
* Disconnected PIC cable and USB cable
* The only cable I have connected to the board is the ISCP cable for the ATMEGA
* Install and then open PonyPROG 2.07c Beta (latest version)
* PonyPROG notifies you that you need to run Setup and Calibration, close both notifications
* Click Setup menu and choose Interface Setup
* Configure the I/O Port Setup screen as documented here:
* Click OK to save your changes
* Click Device menu
* Choose AVR micro
* Choose ATmega32
* Click Command menu
* Choose Security and Configuration Bits
* I attempt to set the configuration as documented here: However SPIEN is unchecked and dithered so I cannot check it. However, I can set all other options.
* Then what? Click OK? Click Write?
* After that then what? File \ Open .... Device File? Program (FLASH) file? Data (EEPROM) file?
* Then what? :)
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby japi » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:47 pm

Don't forget to connect the ISCP cable *and* the USB cable, otherwise you will have no power. Once connected, load up the firmware that corresponds to your atmega, and hit PROGRAM ALL. That worked for me.
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby gastric » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:53 pm

USB plugged back in.

But what option is used to "load up the firmware" in PonyPROG?

* Open Device File
* Open Program (FLASH) File
* Open Data (EEPROM) File

Also, I see no "Program All" feature. In the Command menu there are:

* Read All
* Write All
* Verify All
* Program
* Bunch of others but those are the only ones with "ALL" or "Program" in them.
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby japi » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:14 pm

gastric wrote:USB plugged back in.
But what option is used to "load up the firmware" in PonyPROG?
* Open Device File
* Open Program (FLASH) File
* Open Data (EEPROM) File

Just use the icon in the toolbar, it will work :)

gastric wrote:Also, I see no "Program All" feature. In the Command menu there are:
* Read All
* Write All
* Verify All
* Program

Write all

Sorry for not being specific, i'm not at home right now and don't have the software in front of me :)
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby gastric » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:59 pm

japi wrote:
gastric wrote:USB plugged back in.
But what option is used to "load up the firmware" in PonyPROG?
* Open Device File
* Open Program (FLASH) File
* Open Data (EEPROM) File

Just use the icon in the toolbar, it will work :)

See, that's exactly the problem. :) There's a corresponding icon for every menu option I just listed. Thus I still need to choose between 3 "open" commands.
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby japi » Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:12 pm

Hehe.. Sorry man I can't remember which one I used.. I tried until it worked :)
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Re: Programming the ICs

Postby gastric » Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:37 pm

I've tried all three and keep getting the error "Device missing or unknown device (-24)" Combine this with the fact I cannot program the PIC using either WinPIC nor WinPIC800 and I must be having some other technical issues. Though I'm unsure what.
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