dmitri wrote:The only alternative to 74hc4851 is to use any variant of 4051 with bat85 diodes (or equivalents), i.e. using my original schematic.
I'll leave that as a last resort, isn't funny to make so many holes and soldering

Thanks !

Synthex wrote:viewtopic.php?f=3&t=187&start=0#p2455
Yes, i have seen that, in fact, i've asked about this before

Synthex wrote:I can sell you 4* 74HC4851 for 9 euros (Shipping cost by Regular airmail and fees included).
That's interesting. i couln't find it here for now, i'll look a little more and will contact you by PM. Thanks!!
jamdat wrote:Would you be able to let us know what you used to drill the holes? Dremel rotary type tool? Regular drill? Drill press? What size bits?
I am following your build with interest!
Thanks Jamdat!
To make the holes we did a two pass job. First pass, i used a needle in a dremel to mark the holes, and second pass, we make the actual holes with a standard drill, i think the bit size was 0.8 mm