kimouette wrote:The firmware update you just added might just work. But I cant test it right away since I might have to change the crystal I currently have on my board.
Here's what I see when I choose "Firmware/Update firmware" and navigate to the right .sys file... Like I said it might work, I'll tell you as soon as I can
That is not sure, as the secret for being able to update the firmware is that the OS must not fragment the sysex firmware file. Testint it is the only way to find it out. One remark: if your bootloader (on the LCD) does not show the clock, then the bootloader is the first version so you don't need to press Up to change the clock, just press down and then press Yes in the app.
kimouette wrote:If I change some pad's parameters and simply quit the application, I am not asked to save my setting. The app simply closes and when I come back, all my parameters are set back to default.
But loading previously saved files using either the "Actions for all setting", "Hihat pedal setting" or the "Actions for selected pad", all work perfectly!!
This feature was not included. When you open the app you get all the default values and you have to load all from megadrum to have them shown. ...But it is a good idea to let the user save its current settings when closing the app, and then reloading them when running the app. I will program that.
kimouette wrote:Actions from MD and to MD dont work. The app seem to be thinking for couple of seconds, but no confirmation can be found : neither with the MD LCD screen nor the Config tool.
The only way to find out it didn't work is to send a specific setting to the MD, quit the app, re-open it and import the setting from the MD: no parameter changes are takin into account, it doesn't work.
I see... Maybe the library I linked you is not the best library for Mac. I have been searching again for a java library and I have found what seems to be the most accepted implementation of midi in mac. Click here: delete the plumstoneserv.jar, download the "mmj" and copy both mmj.jar and libmmj.jnilib into /Library/Java/Extensions.
Let's see if this midi implementation is better than the other.
In the mmj website it claims that copying mmj.jar and libmmj.jnilib is enough to make an standard clossplatform-programmed app (as my app) work with Mac. Let's see if that is true...
kimouette wrote:Drum maps: I know I can save a .mdm file using the "Actions" window, but since I'm still not sure what drum maps are supposed to look like, I cant confirm that the right drum map is opened when I load one!
Drum maps are a set of parameters only containing what refers to midi settings, that is: midi notes for all inputs and hihat pedal, and midi channels for all inputs. You can load a "Drummap" so those parameters will be set in the GUI. Then you need to send them to megadrum to make them effective.
kimouette wrote:One last thing...just a suggestion.
Look at the following picture.
It shows the "/Users/User name" directory.
Normally we dont put anything directly into this folder. Everything has to be located in one of the sub-folder you can see. So if you could maybe put that default directory (containing "MegadrumConfigTool.ini" and "SubpadNamesConversionTable.ini") directly into "/Applications" or "/Users/User name/Documents" it would be "cleaner" !!
I also would prefer to save those files to one of the folders you mention, but Java does not provide a good way to access those folders (only the user.home variable, that in Mac seems to point to "/Users/User name"), and I don't know if in other languages of the OS, the folder is going to be called Applications or Aplicaciones or something else. The user.home is a sure shot