elrules wrote:There are still a few things to be done. I think this afternoon I can finish them all. They are:
- Create a good logotype based in the "official" logo. (hope someone can do this for me)
- Write a short but usefull manual.
- Enumerate features in the version history
- Add an window when you close the app, asking if you want to save current settings. Clicking yes will write current config to a default.syx file in the MegadrumConfigTool folder so when you start the app, if it finds that file, it will automatically load.
By the way, did the last change solved the empty-window problem when doing the first execution of the app?
Thanks for the nice work.
I constantly tring everything, and here are the results.
-Everything seems to work, but I can not Update the Firmware.
I get "error trying to send the sysex file" error.
With the same set-up over midi-ox no problem.
Although, 'Send All Megadrum settings' and 'Send selected Pad'
Changing the names works only when sending Firmware ?? not with sending specific Pad ??
I tried to run it on Vista, but the lau-out is still messed up once You open a Menu.
(I don't work on Vista with megadrum, just Info)
Thanks again,