Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:49 pm

elrules wrote:
dmitri wrote:It seems Megadrum Config Tool can now work both with Windows and Linux.
Have you tried the firmware update? That seems to be the only feature still to be tested in linux. It has been *well* enabled on my last last update so maybe it works maybe it doesn't.

I can confirm the firmware update works under Linux.
Still there are issues with selection windows where they appear empty sometimes. Also in this version when I press 'Apply' in these windows, the window re-appears and I have to press 'Apply' again.
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby elrules » Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:53 pm

dmitri wrote:I can confirm the firmware update works under Linux.
That is great!!! :mrgreen:
dmitri wrote:Still there are issues with selection windows where they appear empty sometimes. Also in this version when I press 'Apply' in these windows, the window re-appears and I have to press 'Apply' again.
Does that happened before I updated the app? (the first time you mentioned the empty screen problem) I want to know if my attempt to solve the empty-window problem caused the double-window problem
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:10 pm

I used the latest version from your site.
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby elrules » Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:35 pm

dmitri wrote:I used the latest version from your site.
I have updated it now. I have added an updateUI call at the end of the constructor of each selection window. Don't know it that will fix the problem
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:08 am

It now works perfectly, showing configuration windows correctly and closing them when I click 'Apply'...except the very first run when it shows these windows empty.
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby elrules » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:31 am

Good news!!

For the empty-window problem at the first run, I have make the application show before the initial message, so that may help initialize the GUI. Please, dmitri, test it when you can.

- Now you can update the firmware and have your custom names replaced "on the fly". Please check it out to see if it works as expected. I have tested it twice (to update with random names and to update again to default names) and it works very well.

PD: Just a quick note for dmitri: to place the pointer to the first input name I do a search for "4B69" (it corresponds to the letters "Ki" from "Kick") I decided to do it like that because 2 letters it's the smallest "findable" text to place the pointer well. If I search for 1 letter (K) the pointer place in an incorrect place. This means that this feature will work well unless "Ki" is divided in two different Intel HEX lines , that is, when "K" happens to be the last character in a line. But for all the current firmwares "Ki" is located at the middle of the Intel HEX line so no problem ;)

PD2: it is obvious that my logo designing abilities are not very good. Could anyone design a new logo, based on the current megadrum logo, but containing the "config tool" thing? Update the app and you will see the new splash screen. I want it to have the megadrum logo redesigned with the "... Config Tool" addon, and a fancy bar showing some kind of credits info. Here is the current splash image...
ImageI don't like it the way it is now, but the previous splash was very ...raw. I know there are here good designers. Please give me a hand ;)
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:52 pm

Elrules, let me know when you think it is ready for general use so that I post about it in the News section of the website and create an Announcement thread here.
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby elrules » Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:58 pm

There are still a few things to be done. I think this afternoon I can finish them all. They are:
- Create a good logotype based in the "official" logo. (hope someone can do this for me)
- Write a short but usefull manual.
- Enumerate features in the version history
- Add an window when you close the app, asking if you want to save current settings. Clicking yes will write current config to a default.syx file in the MegadrumConfigTool folder so when you start the app, if it finds that file, it will automatically load.

By the way, did the last change solved the empty-window problem when doing the first execution of the app?
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby dmitri » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:01 pm

elrules wrote:By the way, did the last change solved the empty-window problem when doing the first execution of the app?

I haven't tested it yet.
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Re: Megadrum Config Tool (comming soon!)

Postby efbe » Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:30 pm

elrules wrote:There are still a few things to be done. I think this afternoon I can finish them all. They are:
- Create a good logotype based in the "official" logo. (hope someone can do this for me)
- Write a short but usefull manual.
- Enumerate features in the version history
- Add an window when you close the app, asking if you want to save current settings. Clicking yes will write current config to a default.syx file in the MegadrumConfigTool folder so when you start the app, if it finds that file, it will automatically load.

By the way, did the last change solved the empty-window problem when doing the first execution of the app?


Thanks for the nice work.
I constantly tring everything, and here are the results.

-Everything seems to work, but I can not Update the Firmware.
I get "error trying to send the sysex file" error.
With the same set-up over midi-ox no problem.

Although, 'Send All Megadrum settings' and 'Send selected Pad'

Changing the names works only when sending Firmware ?? not with sending specific Pad ??

I tried to run it on Vista, but the lau-out is still messed up once You open a Menu.
(I don't work on Vista with megadrum, just Info)

Thanks again,

Last edited by efbe on Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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