Small problems

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Small problems

Postby orsku » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:58 pm


I'm almost complete with my kit. However, I have a few minor problems to solve before I'm completely satisfied.

Two of the problems are concerning Megadrum, the first one being with the Autoload Conf feature. It always puts on the big VU meter on startup. It does load my last saved config for everything else but the VU meter.

The second one is with my crash, Yamaha PCY-130S. Every time I hit it, it also triggers the snare rimshot. Sounds like a crosstalk issue at first, but I've got my snare in a seperate stand. If i unplug the snare, this doesn't happen. If I plug any other pad in the snare input, it happens again. I'm using the default settings for the crash input, except for these:

DualHead: Yes
CrashE type: Switch
CrashE note: the same as bow note
Bnote: the same as bow note
Bthreshold: 0

Snare rimshot note is not the same as the crash note. Snare settings are the default, except Dualhead: Yes. The snare works fine.

One more. Even though I don't see it as a huge problem really. I hear a very quiet constant beep from my hihat when MD is on. I measured the voltage between the sleeve and the ring of its jack, and found that it's 0.10V. Any thoughts on this? Won't hurt me bad?

Then the reason why I posted this in here. I've got a software problem with my hihat. I'm using Addictive drums, and the problem is that it doesn't support CC hihat controllers. What program do you suggest to generating different hihat notes depending on which position the controller is?

I've tried eDrum MIDI mapper with no luck. I'm not sure if I just couldn't do it, but I couldn't. I also tried MidiOX's Data mapping, but I don't think it's possible to do it with that. However, converting AT-messages to note-ons was simple.

Btw, I'm running Atmega32 with a 16MHz crystal and 20081020 firmware.
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Re: Small problems

Postby elrules » Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:33 pm

Your first two problems are due to bad assembling. Check your board for shorts, cause it is sure you have at least one. The hihat piezo beeps because some undesired current is flowing from Vcc to the hihat input. Also check for the snare and crash inputs.

The second problem is not a problem. Megadrum sends different notes depending on if it is closed, half opened or opened. And it also send midi CC. You only need to configure megadrum midi notes, in the Hihat menu, and in the Pedal menu, to match Addictive drums notes
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Re: Small problems

Postby orsku » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:06 pm

Addictive drums has 6 different samples depending on how open or closed the pedal is. I couldn't use all of its capacity without a midi mapper. However, I found out that Edrum Monitor is capable of doing the mapping for me. What a wonderful piece of software. My hihat works perfect now.

I need to check my board and cabling to solve the other one. Thanks for help!

I actually found out that sometimes even my kick triggers the snare sample. Let's say I play the whole set for a while and then just the kick. Kick triggers the snare. Then I hit the snare once, and suddenly the kick doesn't trigger the snare anymore. It seems like a software bug to me, but I will sure check my MD for any shorts.
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Re: Small problems

Postby elrules » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:24 pm

Dmitri will ask you better to that, but I can asure you that there is no problem with the software part. Those sympthoms are hardware-related or (in the best case) configuration-related
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Re: Small problems

Postby orsku » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:58 pm

Apparently you were right. I didn't actually find a short, but after scraping my board a bit here and there and then booting up, the Big VU meter doesn't pop up any more. That one solved.

I also managed to locate the pad problem to my old IDE-cable which I'm using to connect the input jacks to the board. I'll replace it tomorrow and see what happens.

Thanks for the help! It's really nice that Megadrum has such an active forum.
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Re: Small problems

Postby orsku » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:30 pm

I'm pretty embarrassed to ask again, and about a problem which is probably something very simple I'm just not getting. I'll ask anyway.

After I took my Megadrum apart and managed to fix the autoload problem, a new one appeared. One of the channels has a bad noise problem. The VU meter is high up even with no pad connected. This ofcourse seems like a short or a grounding problem. When I turn MD on with no jacks connected, there's no problem, so the assumed short is off board.

The channel's settings are default, and the issue didn't exist earlier, and I was totally able to play my set. So it probably has nothing to do with the settings. However, if I set DualHead: No, the problem doesn't exist anymore.

The jack is properly grounded, and I've ofcourse checked it for shorts a million times. I've also replaced the jack with another one with no luck.

What do you think? Hopefully this will the last time I need to bother you guys.
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Re: Small problems

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:19 pm

Since you're using default setting on this channel, what do you see in the HighLevel for this channel when you're experiencing the noise?
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Re: Small problems

Postby orsku » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:18 pm

The high level is different every time I check it. It goes from under a hundred to over 30 000.
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Re: Small problems

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:30 pm

orsku wrote:The high level is different every time I check it. It goes from under a hundred to over 30 000.

Are you sure about 30 000?
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Re: Small problems

Postby orsku » Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:46 pm

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