Firmware/display questions

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Firmware/display questions

Postby TriggerThis » Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:03 am

I have everything I need to biuld my MegaDrum and I have a couple of questions about the firmware/display.

I was wondering why have a VU meter for each input and would you save processor time by having only one VU meter instead of 22 ?

You really only need to see the VU meter for one pad at a time while you are configuring it. Why not just one 32 bars horizontal VU meter on the bottom line using all 16 characters. Each character would be divided into 2 bars. Each bars on the VU meter would represent a value of 8 (MIDI volume 8). This would make it easy to accuratly set the sensitivity of each pads to get full (or whatever) MIDI volume output required to use the full dynamic range of a sound module. It would be also helpfull to choose the right velocity curve.

Also, why not have a "Master MIDI" or "Global MIDI" channel that all pads could use. When you set the MIDI channel for a pad, one of the choice could be to use the global MIDI channel instead of a specific channel. It would make it easier to switch the whole thing to another MIDI channel than having to go trough all the pads one at a time for each zone. (suppose you want to go from channel 10 to channel 1, with 12 inputs this means at least 100 keypress, wich is a lot :)
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Re: Firmware/display questions

Postby dmitri » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:22 am

Good suggestions, I will probably implement them in the future.
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Re: Firmware/display questions

Postby dmitri » Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:13 pm

Both features are now in the latest firmware.
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Re: Firmware/display questions

Postby Synthex » Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:41 pm

Nice work !!! :D
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