Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby dmitri » Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:06 am

I don't know!

But if your electronics skills are the same level or around as exampled in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=510 you're most certainly not. The slightest error building MegaDrum will most likely render your efforts to build it fruitless. And the thing is, I won't be able to help even if I want!

This topic above is probably the last time when I'm spending my time teaching how to use a meter. Sorry!
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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby jeffbeckib » Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:03 am

Then why not sell kits already assembled, so all of us who aren't as technical as you can enjoy this megadrum? After all , isn't that your goal? to make it more popular so you can sell more and make more money??????? as of tomorrow if I can't get this thing working, it's going in the trash...
This could have all been avoided with documentation and instructions.

dmitri wrote:I don't know!

But if your electronics skills are the same level or around as exampled in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=510 you're most certainly not. The slightest error building MegaDrum will most likely render your efforts to build it fruitless. And the thing is, I won't be able to help even if I want!

This topic above is probably the last time when I'm spending my time teaching how to use a meter. Sorry!
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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby dmitri » Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:20 am

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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby Synthex » Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:26 am

A little courtesy on the forum !
Thank you !
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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby AwDeOh82 » Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:02 am

People have been saying the same thing on a few e-drum forums I'm active in. Point is, it's a DIY project. Guys, if you want it pre-assembled, buy it and pay somebody to put it together. I'm pretty sure between designing new features, answering questions/problems, and having a life, Dmitri and Synthex are pretty damn busy. :)
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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby jman 31 » Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:35 pm

I second that! It's awesome that they have put this project together for us and I really appreciate it. My advice to some of you that don't have any electronics experience is to build a couple of small projects (some simple guitar stompboxes is a good place to start) before you tackle this project. Its not an extremely complicated project, but some smaller ones will give you some soldering experience and a little know how. That's just my $.02.

Thanks Dmitri and Synthex for the time and effort you put into this project!!!

MY PROGRESS: I finally have a v2.5 board with no missing traces (haven't etched it yet though). I just couldn't seem to get the heat right on my new iron! I have done several projects before this, but none with traces quite this small. I will be ordering parts as soon as I have a decent etch. Synthex, I really like your all in one board but being an avid diy'er I wanted to build it from the ground up.

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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby CyberFly » Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:11 am

jman 31 wrote:I second that! It's awesome that they have put this project together for us and I really appreciate it. My advice to some of you that don't have any electronics experience is to build a couple of small projects (some simple guitar stompboxes is a good place to start) before you tackle this project. Its not an extremely complicated project, but some smaller ones will give you some soldering experience and a little know how. That's just my $.02.

I took the plunge some time ago, ordered a 2.8 all in one board with out the parts.
Since I had hardly any knowledge about electronics it took me some time to find the right parts. And I also had to learn how to solder.

My MD is now complete and it seems to work. When I connect it to my computer Windows XP says ''New hardware found, MegaDrum'' or something like that. I still need to make a trigger to test that part.

I think that anyone with the DIY bug can build a MD.
The best thing would be to order a complete all in one kit and get yourself a good solder iron. I used the cheapest iron in the world and still worked out fine. But I would have done a better job with a better iron.
Just take the plunge and keep your head cool. Rome wasn't build in one day.
100% DIY!
MegaDrum and a DIY e-kit.
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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby userfriendly » Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:12 pm

I ordered my kit yesterday. :D My soldering skills are probably a bit rusty, has been a couple years since I last used a soldering iron. But I'm fairly confident I haven't forgotten all about it yet.
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Re: Am I skilled enough to build MegaDrum?

Postby gastric » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:48 pm

I'd like to say that the documentation that's currenlty provided in the V2.8 KIT thread is excellent and from what I can tell addresses a lot of the issues that most users would have. It discusses polarity for the necessary components, details how to identify one resistor from the next, etc. Plus it has pictures of the populated board for reference which, as they say, is worth 1000 words.

I do think, generally speaking, that someone without electronics knowledge or experience, but with the ability to solder neatly, should be able to build one of the kits without much difficulty.

As far as producing your own DIY PCB that, for me anyway, proved to be too difficult. I never even figured out if the board was bad, my installation of components wasy bad, bad component, or what. Too many variables for me, including my cheap pocket multimeter. I'm assuming the DIY board was at fault as I managed to whip together the V2.8 kit on the first shot without any problems.

Just sharing my personal thoughts.
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