Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby alchemicus » Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:49 am

excuse me dimitri can u link me the exact firmware for the synthex kit?
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby dmitri » Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:53 am

alchemicus wrote:excuse me dimitri can u link me the exact firmware for the synthex kit?

No matter if you used Synthex's kit or built it all by yourself, firmware files are the same and you can get the from
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby alchemicus » Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:59 am

error tryng to send sysex file
I set the USB speaker as in out midi (i have a usb to midi converter)... :(
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby dmitri » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:07 pm

alchemicus wrote:error tryng to send sysex file
I set the USB speaker as in out midi (i have a usb to midi converter)... :(

This is a way too short description of the problem and almost no description of what you did. Please, read
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby alchemicus » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:29 pm

i'm sorry but i did all what u said in this 3d, and when in MCT i tried to upload a new firmware (the one that i see on MD display is the 20090211) and i think that i need the megadrum32_16_20090326.hex if i use 16 MHz right?
I tried to upload with MCT and midi ox but that error appear.
If i build the icps cable is more simple?
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby dmitri » Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:58 pm

alchemicus wrote:i'm sorry but i did all what u said in this 3d, and when in MCT i tried to upload a new firmware (the one that i see on MD display is the 20090211) and i think that i need the megadrum32_16_20090326.hex if i use 16 MHz right?
I tried to upload with MCT and midi ox but that error appear.
If i build the icps cable is more simple?

I'm asking to describe in details what you did for a reason. Even though you think you did everything right, another eye may spot an error. E.g. you think you need the megadrum32_16_20090326 firmware version, but according to my description from the link I gave above, :

All firmware files in the archive have the following naming scheme:
megadrumppp_hh_yyyymmdd.hex for 22 inputs versions
megadrumppp_hh_32_yyyymmdd.hex for 32 inputs versions
megadrumppp_hh_40_yyyymmdd.hex for 40 inputs versions
megadrumppp_hh_48_yyyymmdd.hex for 48 inputs versions
ppp - AVR type. 32 - for Atmega32, 324 - for Atmega324(p), 644 - for Atmega644
hh - crystal clock in MHz. Atmega32 versions with a clock above 16MHz are overclocked, Atmega324(p)/644 versions with a clock above 20MHz are overclocked.
yyyymmdd - date(version) of the firmware.

you need a firmware version megadrum32_16_32_20090326. And again, you mention a .hex firmware file although both my description from for firmware update using MIDI-OX and the MCT description from for firmware update clearly say you need to use a .syx firmware file. So in your case it must be megadrum32_16_32_20090326.syx

So I strongly advise you to take some time and describe in details exactly what you did.
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby alchemicus » Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:31 pm

I'm sorry but there is a misunderstanding, because i mistake to copy the name of the firmware.
I downloaded the rar file with inside the two type of file (megadrum32_16_20090326.syx and megadrum32_16_20090326.hex ).
I opened MCT and first tried to search for updates (it said that the last firmware is in my megadrum) and then "update Firmware and searching for the .syx file.
After this i booted up my megadrum with the left key pressed and after watching the 16 MHZ selected on display i pressed down key.
Then, i clicked ok on MCT and the error coming up.
i cheched if midi ports was selected in settings of MCT and Cheched again wiring of the midi cable but nothing.
i'm sorry for misunderstanding but my english is not good and i am a newbie in firmware uploading, programming and electronics repair....
i hope to find a solution because i eat my fingers watching megadrum out of the box that doesn't work ( i tried my yamaha pcy15 and all 3 zone works!!!!! but no MIDI out :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: )
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby dmitri » Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:14 pm

alchemicus wrote:I'm sorry but there is a misunderstanding, because i mistake to copy the name of the firmware.
I downloaded the rar file with inside the two type of file (megadrum32_16_20090326.syx and megadrum32_16_20090326.hex ).

Why do you insist on megadrum32_16_20090326? Is your MegaDrum with 22 inputs? If your MegaDrum with 32 inputs you must use megadrum32_16_32_20090326 version as I explained above.

I opened MCT and first tried to search for updates (it said that the last firmware is in my megadrum) and then "update Firmware and searching for the .syx file.
After this i booted up my megadrum with the left key pressed and after watching the 16 MHZ selected on display i pressed down key.
Then, i clicked ok on MCT and the error coming up.
i cheched if midi ports was selected in settings of MCT and Cheched again wiring of the midi cable but nothing.
i'm sorry for misunderstanding but my english is not good and i am a newbie in firmware uploading, programming and electronics repair....
i hope to find a solution because i eat my fingers watching megadrum out of the box that doesn't work ( i tried my yamaha pcy15 and all 3 zone works!!!!! but no MIDI out :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: )

Last time I checked, firmware update with MCT for MegaDrum with the latest (secure) bootloader was broken. You have to follow my instructions for the firmware update using MIDI-OX:
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby alchemicus » Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:07 pm

my megadrum is death...after tring to upload the firmware my lcd doesn't work anymore.i think i'm not able to solve the problem, so i'll wait to buy a ready megadrum.
Thanx 4 all
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Re: Windows doesn't detect megadrum

Postby Ken Forgettable » Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:54 pm

alchemicus wrote:i think i'm not able to solve the problem,

You have a Synthex v2.8 board?

Synthex supplies three crystals in his kit so:

+ Check the ATmega32 crystal marking - what does it say?

+ Now check the PIC 18F2550 crystal marking - what does that say?
Ken Forgettable
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