r0bbie wrote:jman 31 wrote:Have you lost any of the sensitivity? By doing the tape from edge to edge like that you limit the movement (flexing) of the piezo which actually causes the voltage to be generated. Just curious.

No sensitivity is lost, it triggers perfect, with threshold 12 I can let the stick bounce halfway the mesh and it registers perfectly.
Tape is not from edge to edge, there is still 1mm of the piezo uncovered by the tape, enough to let the piezo flex but generating
lower voltage output, in fact the same result as you would use resistors

I would say, it’s a simple change, why not give it a try?

Tried that myself, but ended up destroying the cone trying to remove the original tape. I suppose on a hot rim piezo its the best option.
In the end I put a 200k trimmer on the head output and now all my pads trigger very well. The pot is set just about halfway and I get hghlvl of around 800. I couldn't believe the instant difference in the playability of the pad when I reconnected them after the mod.
I couldn't use all gains low as it reduced the sensitivity on my Yamaha and Millenium cymbals and didn't make a big difference anyway..
I would recommend to anyone building diy drums to put a trimmer in, just in case.
My pads are almost right now, the snare plays really well. There are very occasional low velocity retriggers on the snare but i prefer how it feels the other 99.9% of the time especially on rolls, so am leaving as is. You can only spot them in midiox anyway, they cant be heard during normal playing.
I still have to select the ideal curve for my snare, as at the moment it responds best on strong1 curve. I suppose I should use the "if it aint broken dont try and fix it" school of thought

but i would like to tweak it a little more on other curves, otherwise i'm very happy with my pad response.
Cymbals and hi-hat next!!