"Megadrum Config Tool" released

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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby elrules » Tue May 05, 2009 9:22 pm

Very nices suggestions Gastric. I will take more or less all of them for the next version.

I will also copy some other nice suggestions of Gabriel (to have them all together):
gabriel1712 wrote:I use MCT a lot and I think it's brilliant. I do have a few suggestions, some features I would really like to see.

- To use both note name and MIDI note number. (eg. D2-38), or just a switch between them if adding extra digits means redoing the whole interface.

MIDI Monitor:
- For instant xtalk spotting - an option similar to this 'HOLD NOTE' Image but instead of removing all other notes, it simply colors them very distinctly, eg. red.

- For instant retrigger spotting - show the time gap between hits in a number above the note bar. Could be capped at 100 millisec. and show values above as +100.

I have zero knowledge of programing and therefore no way of telling if these wishes are silly or sane.

And a side question: is the 'FROM FILE' option broken? I never seem to get data from file...

Maybe it is better if I start a new thread with a Feature Requests...
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby dmitri » Tue May 05, 2009 9:24 pm

elrules wrote:Dmitri, is there any firmware change apart from the HH pedal sysex?

One bit, AltFalseTrSupp, in "Miscellaneous configuration data".
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby Ken Forgettable » Wed May 13, 2009 10:27 am

elrules wrote:
Code: Select all
  MegadrumConfigTool.log.info("Sending firmware...");
            mp.writeLongMessage(data, data.length, Common.SYSEX_SEND_TIMEOUT);
            MegadrumConfigTool.log.info("Firmware was sent. Now closing...");
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            MegadrumConfigTool.log.error("Trying to send BIG SYSEX message<br>The error was: "+e.getMessage());
            return false;

Don't know if it applies but from MidiDevice.java:
* Note that some devices, once closed, cannot be reopened. Attempts
* to reopen such a device will always result in a MidiUnavailableException.
public void open() throws MidiUnavailableException;

Why - I dunno - what about leaving the device open until app exit.

Code: Select all
            if(bootloader == Common.BOOTLOADER_WITH_SECURITY){
                }catch(Exception e){}

I have no trouble concatenating the security SysEx with the firmware and sending it all in one go with 100ms delays between bytes but I have noticed MidiOX can be made to fail with 'Delay after F7' set too high (Default 60ms) - so I'm suggesting reducing the sleep calls.

Also does MidiPort require you to handle the timecode? Somewhere in the MIDI system will be a dispatcher based on message time codes (java sequencer seems to reset these on opening a new pipe). Maybe they just go down the sink if you send them back-to-the-future?
Ken Forgettable
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby elrules » Sun May 17, 2009 3:13 pm

Ey, dmitri, i have just released version 1.61. It has only small changes. I started by doing the Misc Settings work with the newest firmwares.

Can you try it to know if I programmed the misc sysex correctly?
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby dmitri » Sun May 17, 2009 5:02 pm

For AltFalseTrSupp you're setting/checking the wrong bit.
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby elrules » Sun May 17, 2009 7:40 pm

dmitri, I have changed it. I guess if AltSupr bit was wrong, then MIDI Speed was also wrong. I changed the byte where those bits are read/written from byte 11th to byte 8th.


Megadrum COnfig Tool source code has been published. Just update yout MCT and you will see a button in the About dialog that will send you to the source code webpage, with info on how to download it and installing netbeans and so on.

(I hope I´m doing the right thing... ¬¬ )
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sun May 17, 2009 7:57 pm

Fantastic - he he he.
elrules wrote:(I hope I´m doing the right thing... ¬¬ )

You must be I got the download going just before your announcement :shock:
Ken Forgettable
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby dmitri » Sun May 17, 2009 8:15 pm

It now sets/checks AltFalseTrSupp correctly. 20090516 firmware was not applying AltFalseTrSupp bit when received so I now released a new version. Btw, MegaDrum ignores the 'MIDI speed' bit in Sysex for obvious reason.
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby Ken Forgettable » Mon May 18, 2009 2:03 pm

elrules wrote:
dmitri wrote:
elrules wrote:Was it copied to the correct folder?

The file system on the server is case sensitive. So, there are now two files there:
MegaDrumConfigTool.jar 256544 30/03/2009
MegadrumConfigTool.jar 256581 25/04/2009

Shit dude! ok, i will upload it with an uppercase D

v1.6.1 svn project still only references MegadrumConfigTool.jar.
The stale MegaDrumConfigTool.jar file is still on the server.
If someone used an old jnlp file they will get unspecified behavoiur. :oops:
Ken Forgettable
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby elrules » Mon May 18, 2009 2:27 pm

I changed it again to lower case.

And I also changed the install.jnlp file.

It updates correctly so don't worry.

The file with the upper case can be deleted

By the way, did you install all the netbeans crap and saw the code?
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