Updating MegaDrum firmware

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Note: This tutorial describes the updating procedure for the new encrypted firmware (issued since June 2010). If you are looking for a tutorial on updating the old, unencrypted firmware, check out the Updating MegaDrum firmware (legacy) article. Also you might want to read the programming USB firmware tutorial.

Keeping your MegaDrum firmware up-to-date is an important task because it ensures maximum stability and performance. MegaDrum firmware is regularly updated: new features (such as support for specific e-drum pads) are constantly added. So if something does not work for you it might be fixed in a new firmware version, based on your feedback.

This tutorial describes the updating procedure in detail.

Prerequisites for updating

  • MegaDrum must be pre-programmed with the protected bootloader
  • You must have a working board with fully functional MegaDrum controls
  • Updating may be done via USB or MIDI I/O

If you choose to update via USB for the very first time, connect MegaDrum to the PC and let it install the necessary drivers first (e.g. on Windows XP).

The latest firmware version is available for download from the forums.

Firmware file naming convention

You should update with the right firmware for your MegaDrum version. All firmware files in the archive have the following naming scheme:

  • megadrumppp_hh_yyyymmdd.bin — 22 inputs versions
  • megadrumppp_hh_32_yyyymmdd.bin — 32 inputs versions
  • megadrumppp_hh_48_yyyymmdd.bin — 48 inputs versions
  • megadrumppp_hh_56_yyyymmdd.bin — 56 inputs versions


ppp — AVR microcontroller type

32 — for Atmega32
324 — for Atmega324(p)
644 — for Atmega644

hh — crystal clock in MHz

Atmega32 versions with a clock above 16MHz are overclocked, Atmega324(p)/644 versions with a clock above 20MHz are overclocked

yyyymmdd — date (version) of the firmware.

Update software

You will need to use a special PC application to update your MegaDrum firmware. Currently there are three options available. Choose the one that works for you.


General information

  • Platform support: Windows, Mac
  • Tested in: Windows XP
  • Type: Command-line utility. A GUI for selecting the firmware file is also available here.
  • Source code: available (C++)

Updating procedure

1. Download mdfwupdate from the forum (note: if you have the GUI you do not need to download the command-line utility separately!), a test version is also available for the Mac

2. Download the firmware archive

3. Power MegaDrum up while holding the key LEFT pressed. While keeping the key LEFT pressed the MIDI LED will be blinking indicating that it is entering the bootloader mode. When you release the key LEFT the LCD will show:

FwSUpdater 16MHz

MegaDrum secure bootloader menu

4. In MegaDrum select correct frequency for your ATmega crystal by pressing the key UP. Each time you press UP it will cycle one step through 16MHz→20MHz→24MHz→12MHz. If you use a 16MHz crystal for ATmega, you don't need to press UP since 16MHz is a default start up frequency for the bootloader

5. In MegaDrum press the key DOWN. The LED will light up and MegaDrum display will show (e.g. for 16MHz):

FwSUpdater 16MHz

MegaDrum secure bootloader in update mode

6. Run the utility from the command line, e.g.:

mdfwupdate.exe megadrum644_20_32_20100601.bin

7. First it will prompt you to choose which MIDI output port to use. Type a number corresponding to the MegaDrum MIDI port and press Enter. It will now prompt you to choose which MIDI input port to use. Type a number corresponding to the MegaDrum MIDI port and press Enter. It will start updating the firmware and after a couple of minutes it will finish. While doing the update it will show progress on the command line and on the LCD. On the LCD it will look like this:

88886>ater 16MHz

MegaDrum secure bootloader during the update

8. When update has finished, the utility will show

Transferring.. 100% done.
MegaDrum updated successfully.

MegaDrum will then reboot and start with new firmware and you will see the copyright screen:

<MegaDrum.info >

Copyright screen

Note that you might not see it due to poor contrast setting. Tweak the contrast from the menu by pressing the LEFT key once and then pressing UP/DOWN until you clearly see the text on your LCD.


MDUpdate screenshot

General information

Updating procedure

The procedure is basically the same as for mdfupdate. The obvious difference is that everything is done by means of a GUI. Here's a quick rundown:

1. Download MDUpdate

2. Download the firmware files

3. Start MegaDrum in bootloader mode, select the correct frequency, switch to live update mode

4. Run MDUpdate, select the correct firmware, MIDI I/O ports and press Run MegaDrum Update

5. Wait for the firmware update to finish.

Megadrum Config Tool

Main article: Megadrum Config Tool

General Information

  • Platform support: Windows, Linux, Mac[1]
  • Tested in: Windows XP
  • Type: GUI
  • Source code: available (Java, NetBeans project)

Firmware updating procedure

Note: MCT supports encrypted firmware updates since version 1.84.

The basics of the updating procedure are given in the mdfwupdate section of this tutorial.

1. Download Megadrum Config Tool v 1.84 via the installer.

2. Download the firmware files

3. Start MegaDrum in either normal mode or bootloader mode

4. Start MCT, and set up the options:

  • MCU type and clock frequency
  • Bootloader type to v5
  • Correct MIDI I/O ports which correspond to MegaDrum

5. In MCT menu go to Firmware → UPDATE FIRMWARE

6. Now close MCT and power off your MegaDrum

7. Start MegaDrum with the LEFT key pressed (in bootloader mode), select the correct crystal frequency

8. Open MCT, select the correct firmware file

9. Press LEFT on MegaDrum to send a confirmation message to MCT, the Proceed button should be enabled

10. Press DOWN on MegaDrum to enter live update mode

11. Press Proceed button in MCT

12. Wait for the update to finish, once it is finished restart MCT


If you cannot update your MegaDrum firmware, there could be several reasons:

  • You are trying to update via an unsecure bootloader
  • You are using wrong update software (e.g. MIDI-OX) with the protected bootloader
  • Your board has defects
  • MegaDrum controls are not functional
  • MIDI/USB communication fails for some reason
  • You have found a bug in the updating software. Please report it!

See also


  1. See this forum post about using MCT on Mac