VH12 configuration

Discussions related to MegaDrum Hardware

Re: VH12 configuration

Postby dmitri » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:09 pm

ibanman555 wrote:
dmitri wrote:Please, load this firmware:

and repeat last test:
1. without a resistor and RdcLvl=0.
2. with a resistor and RdcLvl=3.

with a resistor and RdcLvl=3
Lo Imp
AltIn - No
CC RdcLvl - 3
LevelsAuto - No

LowLevel and HiLevel are at their absolute Low and Hi levels...
The "raw level" shows 998 in the fully open position. It is steady.

80% - 953, it is steady .
60% - 912, it is steady.
40% - 907 steady.
20% - again 907 steady.
0% (fully closed) 892 steady.
Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 361, it is steady.

Can you repeat it with RdcLvl 2, 1 and 0?

without a resistor and RdcLvl=0
Lo Imp
AltIn - No
CC RdcLvl - 0
LevelsAuto - No

LowLevel and HiLevel are at their absolute Low and Hi levels...
The "raw level" shows 293-295 in the fully open position. it is not steady .

80% -0% 249, dropping to 242 after a few seconds.
Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 229-234, it is not steady.

This is strange. With my mock device (10k pot with a wiper going to tip and one of the two ends going to ground through a 10k resistor) I get 242 to 270 range with gradual change when rotating the pot without any jumps.
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby dmitri » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:07 am

ibanman555, it's late already so when you're back I'm probably going to be logged out. Please, post your last results and after that do the following on the low impedance input with a resistor:

1. Set Big VU meter to Yes.
2. Set LevelsAuto to No.
3. Set LowLevel to 905.
4. Set HiLevel to 1000.

What "raw level" readings do you get between 100% and 0% with RdcLvl 0, 1, 2, 3?
What is the behavior of the Big VU meter when you slowly press/depress the pedal with RdcLvl 0, 1, 2, 3?

And thank you for your tests again!
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby ibanman555 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:09 am

You're very welcome, its my pleasure. Just want to add that I have literally 10mm of play between 100% & 0%. I am making sure my measurements are consistent using a caliper ( 90%=9mm, 60%=6mm, 20%=2mm) to gauge distance between the hats.

dmitri wrote:Can you repeat it with RdcLvl 2, 1 and 0?

with a 10k resistor
Lo Imp
AltIn - No
CC RdcLvl - 3,2,1 & 0
LevelsAuto - No

LowLevel and HiLevel are at their absolute Low and Hi levels...

RdcLvl - 3 \/
The "raw level" shows 998 in the fully open position. It is steady.
80% - 953, it is steady .
60% - 912, it is steady.
40% - 907 steady.
20% - again 907 steady.
0% (fully closed) 892 steady.
Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 361, it is steady.
*Note each time I return the pedal from fully closed to fully open, the value does not return to 998, but randomly between 995 and 1004*

RdcLvl - 2 \/
The "raw level" shows 1000 in the fully open position. It is steady.
80% - 946, it is steady .
60% - 901, it is steady.
40% - 895 steady.
20% - again 893 steady.
0% (fully closed) 865 steady.
Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 361, it is steady.
*Note each time I return the pedal from fully closed to fully open, the value does not return to 998, but randomly between 1000 and 1006*

RdcLvl - 1 \/
The "raw level" shows 1006 in the fully open position. It is steady.
80% - 947-964, bouncing around between these two values .
60% - 920-934, bouncing around between these two values.
40% - 897-907, bouncing around between these two values.
20% - 891-894, bouncing around between these two values.
0% (fully closed) 872-883 bouncing around between these two values.
Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 352, it is steady.
*Note each time I return the pedal from fully closed to fully open, the value DOES return to 1006 every time.*

RdcLvl - 0 \/
The "raw level" shows 1006 in the fully open position. It is steady.
80% - 952-969, bouncing around between these two values .
60% - 907-930, bouncing around between these two values.
40% - 895-910, bouncing around between these two values.
20% - 878-902, bouncing around between these two values.
0% (fully closed) 871-882 bouncing around between these two values.
Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 345, it is steady.
*Note each time I return the pedal from fully closed to fully open, the value DOES return to 1006 every time.*

dmitri wrote:This is strange. With my mock device (10k pot with a wiper going to tip and one of the two ends going to ground through a 10k resistor) I get 242 to 270 range with gradual change when rotating the pot without any jumps.

It is extremely strange, I agree. Your mock up would be consistent to the hi hats resistance range, and this is why I wanted to bring to light the pressure feature. I feel like that has something to do with some of these troubles we are having. Keep in mind too, that my fully open registers above 2000k according to my multimeter, where I assume yours tops out at 20k.

dmitri wrote:ibanman555, it's late already so when you're back I'm probably going to be logged out. Please, post your last results and after that do the following on the low impedance input with a resistor:

1. Set Big VU meter to Yes.
2. Set LevelsAuto to No.
3. Set LowLevel to 905.
4. Set HiLevel to 1000.

What "raw level" readings do you get between 100% and 0% with RdcLvl 0, 1, 2, 3?


RdcLvl - 0
Fully open to fully closed give values Raw Level values of 95 (fully open) to 0 (fully closed)

RdcLvl - 1
Fully open to fully closed give values Raw Level values of 95 (fully open) to 1 (fully closed)

RdcLvl - 2
Fully open to fully closed give values Raw Level values of 75-95(different on each return of the pedal fully open) to 13 (fully closed)

RdcLvl - 3
Fully open to fully closed give values Raw Level values of 73-95(different on each return of the pedal fully open) to 0-32 (different on each return of the pedal fully closed)

dmitri wrote:What is the behavior of the Big VU meter when you slowly press/depress the pedal with RdcLvl 0, 1, 2, 3?

0 - This is showing outstanding results as of yet, gradual, very smooth from top to bottom, returning to 100% and 0% consistantly. Still jitter in between up and down, but responding 99% correctly other than that.

1 - Still quite good. Similar to above. Not returning fully top to bottom on VU, but close.

2- Starting to get blocky but not jittery, giving me 3 steps. Not returning fully top to bottom on VU.

3- Also blocky, not jittery, giving me 2 steps, not returning fully top to bottom on VU.

The above settings are the best yet at RdcLvl - 0. If we could get rid of the jittery-ness in between top and bottom, the sounds would reproduce properly. You're very close here!! Very exciting!
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby dmitri » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:31 am

ibanman555 wrote:It is extremely strange, I agree. Your mock up would be consistent to the hi hats resistance range, and this is why I wanted to bring to light the pressure feature. I feel like that has something to do with some of these troubles we are having.

There is nothing extra here. They just added a spring at the bottom which requires extra pressure. It will still be represented by changes in CC messages and it's responsibility of sound module/software synthesizer/VST to interpret CC changes at the bottom of the pedal range as a pressure with extra strength.
Keep in mind too, that my fully open registers above 2000k according to my multimeter, where I assume yours tops out at 20k.

I simulate it by just disconnecting the mock device.
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby dmitri » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:52 pm

ibanman555, with megadrum_20121206_3.zip firmware, can you please do the test on the high impedance input without a resistor:

1. Set LevelsAuto to No
2. Set LowLevel to 11
3. Set HiLevel to 1023
4. Set CC RdcLvl to 0.

What are "raw level" readings between 100% and 0%?
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby ibanman555 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:53 pm

dmitri wrote:ibanman555, with megadrum_20121206_3.zip firmware, can you please do the test on the high impedance input without a resistor:

1. Set LevelsAuto to No
2. Set LowLevel to 11
3. Set HiLevel to 1023
4. Set CC RdcLvl to 0.

What are "raw level" readings between 100% and 0%?

Hi Imp switched
AltIn (yes)
LevelsAuto to No
LowLevel to 11
HiLevel to 1023
CC RdcLvl to 0

100% is at a 'raw level' of 1006, steady.

80% - 506-546, bouncing randomly between these two values

60% - 496-523 bouncing randomly between these two values

40% - 480-523 bouncing randomly between these two values

20% - 473-504 bouncing randomly between these two values

0% - 464-493 bouncing randomly between these two values.

Applying pressure (practically standing on the pedal) I can reach 434-476, bouncing randomly between these two values.
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby dmitri » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:05 pm

When you measure resistance between tip and ring, do you get gradual and smooth change between 20k and 10k or in steps? Make sure you don't touch tip/ring contacts when you measure it otherwise readings will be effected by the skin conductivity.
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby ibanman555 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:10 pm

dmitri wrote:When you measure resistance between tip and ring, do you get gradual and smooth change between 20k and 10k or in steps? Make sure you don't touch tip/ring contacts when you measure it otherwise readings will be effected by the skin conductivity.

Between tip and ring, there is no change from 100%-0%. Only when I apply pressure to I get a reading of 11k. If i stand on the pedal I get 9-10k.

On the other hand, between Tip and Sleeve, I get gradual, smooth change from 20-10k, fully open to fully closed.

Readings were isolated, no skin contact.
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby ibanman555 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:16 pm

Tip and ring it is showing 2000k+ from 100% to 0%...
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Re: VH12 configuration

Postby dmitri » Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:17 pm

ibanman555 wrote:Between tip and ring, there is no change from 100%-0%. Only when I apply pressure to I get a reading of 11k. If i stand on the pedal I get 9-10k.

Sorry, yes I mean tip and sleeve.

On the other hand, between Tip and Sleeve, I get gradual, smooth change from 20-10k, fully open to fully closed.

This is why I don't understand why we get different results between you and me - with my mock device I simulate exactly this gradual change and I get smooth gradual change of "raw level" readings between 100% and 0% (20k and 10k) with RdcLvl at 0.
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