Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

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Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby dmitri » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:50 pm

This is a configuration instruction for a Roland VH-11/VH-12 HiHat pedal controller. This instruction doesn't cover configuration of a HiHat cymbal. VH-11/12 hardware must be adjusted first according to Roland's instruction manuals. You must have MegaDrum firmware version 20121208 or newer.

1. Set AltIn according to a selected pedal input. For the low impedance input AltIn must be set to No and for the high impedance input AltIn must be set to Yes.
2. Set LevelsAuto to No.
3. Set LowLevel to a minimum (11).
4. Set HiLevel to a maximum (1023).
5. Go to LowLevel and press the pedal to within 5%-10% of fully closed (almost closed). In the top row of the LCD you will read current "raw level" reading. Set LowLevel just below the current "raw level" reading.
6. Go to HiLevel and press the pedal to within 5%-10% of fully open (almost open). In the top row of the LCD you will read current "raw level" reading. Set HiLevel just above the current "raw level" reading.
7. Using Big VU meter make sure MegaDrum properly detects fully closed/fully open positions. If the pedal's Big VU Meter doesn't go all the way left when the pedal is fully closed - raise LowLevel slightly. If the pedal's Big VU Meter doesn't go all the way right when the pedal is fully open - lower HiLevel slightly.
8. If with the rock solid pressure on the pedal somewhere in between fully closed and fully open the pedal's Big VU Meter is not stable you may want to increase RdcLvl.

Adding a 10k-20k resistor between tip and ring may increase the range (smoothness) of the pedal. Using the high impedance input may also increase the pedal's range. After adding a resistor or changing pedal's input you must repeat the steps from this instruction.
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby Trommeltotti » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:36 pm

Thanks @dmitri for this important tip for using ROLAND VH-11/12 gear with MD.

Could you please "sticky" this post - or even better supplement this to Documentation - MegaDrum configuration on your homepage? Also probably another important tip from you as well? And of course if you know also some other good/important tips from you how to configure MD as best?

This prevent maybe to much equal questions from many different people for configurations problems with MD here in this forum.

Greats Trommeltotti
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:41 pm

There is already sticky for such things: Usuful posts/links for configuring MegaDrum
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby Trommeltotti » Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:56 pm

Ups, I did not observe that's under "Related Software" Sorry my fault.

But even a advice to this link also under Documentation - MegaDrum configuration? Would be probably more clearly.

Greats Trommeltotti
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:10 pm

Made it Global.
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby angr77 » Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:39 pm


Maybe we should add a reference to which firmware this is supported from?

It is mentioned in firmware log but it could maybe also be included in the documentation as well to be cristal clear!

Dmitri and ibanman555 - thanks great job!!

Best regards

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:36 pm

angr77 wrote:Maybe we should add a reference to which firmware this is supported from?

Added it as a requirement.
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby drumdhiver » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:02 pm

Hi Dimitri,

I managed to work my Yamaha Hi hat : I have full scale on drummanager's raw midi's vu meter (violet bar)

I set all Hi hat notes : bow semi open, edge semi open, etc..., I have yellow bars on raw midi that indicated notes are unknown

What I've to do?

Ha! another question : is close position corresponding to 0 or 127 ?
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby dmitri » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:33 pm

drumdhiver wrote:Hi Dimitri,

I managed to work my Yamaha Hi hat : I have full scale on drummanager's raw midi's vu meter (violet bar)

I set all Hi hat notes : bow semi open, edge semi open, etc..., I have yellow bars on raw midi that indicated notes are unknown

They are "unknown" because MDM is not (yet) able to recognise them as belonging to HiHat. I may add this feature in future MDM versions.
What I've to do?

If you use notes assigned in MegaDrum to variable HiHat pedal positions then you don't need to do anything else. But if you want to use MIDI CC for variable postions in your VST then you have to revert "bow semi open, edge semi open, etc..." to the HiHat's input Note and configure your VST to use MIDI CC 4 instead.

Ha! another question : is close position corresponding to 0 or 127 ?

close position are MIDI CC 4 values ~120 and up (corresponding to ~7 and down in the MIDI Log view).
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Re: Configuration instruction for Roland VH-11/VH-12

Postby drumdhiver » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:01 pm

Hi !

My hi hat seems to work

I use BFD2. I set "pedal" function, and I set "variable tip" and "variable shank" (heerrr, is "tip" is for the edge sensor and "shank" for edge ?, my english isn't perfect, and I don't really know if it's correct).

I can see variable pedal position, but the sound don't correspond to the pedal position, I have always a kind of 1/4 of hi hat openning, but no open hi hat sound or close hi hat sound...

Is i have to select single piezo or dual/3way yamaha?

What's are your advises?

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