Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby Alek_A » Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:00 pm

Ok, done.
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ARM-based 56-input Module with positional sensing board. Roland pads: VH-13-MG, CY-15R-MG, 2 x CY-14C-MG, CY-5, 4 x PDX-100, KD-9; Mac OS X 10.9.2
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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby dmitri » Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:17 pm

1. Disconnect all pads.
2. Set HighLevel on both inputs 5 and 7 to 64.
3. Start lowering Threshold on input 5. At what Threshold level the VU-Meter for this input on the LCD starts blinking?
4. Raise Threshold on the input 5 back to 15.
4. Start lowering Threshold on input 7. At what Threshold level the VU-Meter for this input on the LCD starts blinking?
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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby Alek_A » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:18 am

1. Disconnected all wires except USB from MegaDrum module.
2. Set HighLevel on both inputs 5 and 7 to 64.
3. Started lowering Threshold on input 5. At Threshold level 3 VU-Meter for this input on the LCD started blinking (VU-Meter for 7th input on the LCD also started blinking equally to 5th)
4. Raised Threshold on the input 5 back to 15.
5. Started lowering Threshold on input 7. At Threshold level 4 VU-Meter for this input on the LCD started blinking (VU-Meter for 5th input showed no indication)

One more test:
1. Disconnected all wires from pads, not from MegaDrum module.
2. HighLevel on both inputs 5 and 7 is set to 64, also set threshold for this channels to 60.
3. Started lowering Threshold on input 5. At Threshold level 18 VU-Meter for this input on the LCD started blinking (VU-Meter for 7th input on the LCD also started blinking equally to 5th)
3a. When I hold usb cable in my fist close to MegaDrum module the indication disappears. When I hold usb cable close to computer nothing changes.
4. Raised Threshold on the input 5 back to 60.
5. Started lowering Threshold on input 7. At Threshold level 42 VU-Meter for this input on the LCD started blinking (VU-Meter for 5th input showed no indication)
5a. When I hold usb cable in my fist close to MegaDrum module the indication disappears. When I hold usb cable close to computer nothing changes.
ARM-based 56-input Module with positional sensing board. Roland pads: VH-13-MG, CY-15R-MG, 2 x CY-14C-MG, CY-5, 4 x PDX-100, KD-9; Mac OS X 10.9.2
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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby dmitri » Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:02 am

When you leave a cable connected to MegaDrum without a pad on another end, it serves as a antenna increasing noise level on the input.

Without anything connected to MegaDrum, inputs 5 and 7 seem quite identical to me. Maybe a cable on the input 7 adds extra noise?

I'd also suggest to try another USB cable.
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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby Alek_A » Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:07 am

Thanks for explanation!
dmitri wrote:Without anything connected to MegaDrum, inputs 5 and 7 seem quite identical to me. Maybe a cable on the input 7 adds extra noise?
I soldered two more good quality Cordial cables instead of original ones and it's the same.
dmitri wrote:I'd also suggest to try another USB cable.
Yes, I tried. The same result.
ARM-based 56-input Module with positional sensing board. Roland pads: VH-13-MG, CY-15R-MG, 2 x CY-14C-MG, CY-5, 4 x PDX-100, KD-9; Mac OS X 10.9.2
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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby dmitri » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:27 pm

I'm out of ideas. If the sensitivity on the input 7 is indeed different from all other inputs then I can suggest to send the module back to me to check. Please PM me.
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Re: Different thresholds on equal pads (inputs 5,7,9,11)

Postby Alek_A » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:09 pm

Dmitri, thanks anyway! I think we don't have to bother about this by now). Although I have to set threshold on 7th input higher then on the others, everything else works so far. If I found a problem related to this specific channel I will post it here!
ARM-based 56-input Module with positional sensing board. Roland pads: VH-13-MG, CY-15R-MG, 2 x CY-14C-MG, CY-5, 4 x PDX-100, KD-9; Mac OS X 10.9.2
Posts: 60
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