Input Types

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Piezo Sensor

A piezo is an electronic component that (among other remarkable properties) will generate a voltage when struck. The voltage is proportional to the energy (velocity) in the strike. If there is a positional sensing board attached to your MegaDrum this will also measure the distance, from the piezo, that the drum head is struck. Piezos are used when we need to know how hard something is being hit.


Typically a film switch, this doesn’t convey information about how hard something was struck, but it can convey information about where it was struck.


A ‘volume knob’.  This is used to indicate continuous positions (i.e. 10%, 40%, 100%, etc.). This is used for the Hi Hat controller.

Hall Effect Sensor

This is a sensor that works with a magnet to provide continuous positions.  It is similar in effect to a potentiometer.

Theory of Operation